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Emma's POV

It's been a week now without Regina. I haven't shown up at school. I skip everyday. I don't care anymore. I shower and then throw on a hoodie and jeans. I walk out without saying anything to my parents. I refuse to talk to them. They ruined my fucking life. Ruined my relationship with the best girl in the whole world. I find my smoking buddies. Robin. Killian. Sean. Hunter and Tray. They are sitting on the bench. I grab a blunt and inhale it.

"I got your money. You're doing real good Emma" He hands me four stacks of one hundred thousand. Four hundred thousand dollars in total.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I put the money into my hoodie pocket.

"Bad day?" Tray asks.

"Bad fucking life" I answer before hitting it again.

"Damn I feel that. What's wrong?" Hunter asks.

"Let's just say my mom decided she can control who I date now" I say and finish off the blunt before I roll another one.

"I'm gonna head to school. You coming Emma" Killian asks me.

"Hell no!" I say.

"Miss Mills has asked about you" He says and I shrug.

"Why does she care?" Robin asks.

"Her and my mom are friends. When all this went down she was at my house. She kinda saw it all. I went off."

"Alright coach keeps asking about you" He says.

"Tell him to fuck off. I don't care. I'm gonna go break something and get drunk anyone?"

"Yeah Sure I'm coming" Hunter, Tray and Killian say. Sean and Robin head to school like little bitches.

"You know what you really need?"

"What Tray?"

"Sex. Go get laid man."

"I can't even think about anyone else since my girlfriend. She was one of a kind. No one is ever gonna be like her" I say driving off. I open the bottle of vodka and start drinking.

"Woah slow down Emma."

"I can hold my liquor. I'm fine" I say. We go break stuff and I head to my house. I see Regina's car and I chug the rest of my wine coolers we bought with our fake ID's. I walk in the house and I see Regina standing in front of them nervously. I feel the alcohol kicking in. They all look at me.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"We are still your parents Emma you can't talk to us like that."

"I don't care. I really don't give a shit" I say leaning against the wall.

"Are you drunk?" My mom yells.

"I'm drunk, I'm high, took some pills. You name it I'm doing it. I feel great" I say. I walk away to the fridge and pull out a beer. I take a few swigs before joining my fake sperm and egg donors.

"Emma put that down" I drink the rest and drop it to the floor.

"Okay. I'll be back" I walk away and I feel myself being pressed up against a wall.

"Regina!" I hear them both yell. I look down at her and she has tears in her eyes. They don't fall and I look at her with no emotion.

"Stop this! This isn't you! This isn't the Emma I know and care about! This person who gets drunk and high isn't you! You don't even like that stuff. Please come back to me" She cries and I keep a straight face for as long as I can. I turn us around and push her against her wall roughly. She groans when her back is shoved against the wall hard.

"This is who I am now. You can't fix me. Get out." I walk upstairs and get dressed for the party. I put on my clothes and I grab six condoms. Maybe I do need to get laid.

"You're not going to that party Emma" My dad says and I laugh.

"Don't worry I'll be safe" I hold up the condoms and I see Regina's face drop.

"Emma!" My mom says and I walk out. And drive to Robin's house.

Long story short I just got arrested. I got two days for getting in a fight unless I get bail which is $700. With the drug dealing I've gotten recently into I could pay that easily but I left all the money hidden in my room.

"Come on Swan time to go." I stand up and see Regina in a long black coat with her black sexy 'fuck me' heels and a purse in her hand. 

"I'll stay" I say.

"No you're coming with me" She says sternly. I stand up a bit drunk and follow her to her black car. I get in the passenger seat and lay down. I watch her drive. She's so tense and worried. I can tell by the way she's sitting.

We get to her house I get out and go to the door and she unlocks it letting me in. It feels different but I don't care. I walk in.

"Go shower and change" She says dropping her keys onto the coffee table along with her purse and takes off her heels and coat.

"Whatever you say" I go into her room and open the drawer I know has all my clothes. I get out new boxers and everything I need. I take a shower and I feel a bit less drunk. I'm sobering up. I wash my face and brush my teeth. The alcohol and weed smell doesn't mix to well. I put a white shirt on and grey sweatpants. I put on the socks and then go downstairs. I sit on the couch and grab my phone.

"Did you impregnate anyone tonight?"

"I don't think I should be telling my ex this."

"I don't care. Just tell me if you did." I see the tears form in her eyes.

"Sadly no. I didn't. Was too busy making sure everyone got drunk and high."

"I miss you. Hayden and Hope miss you. If Henry could talk he would say he misses you too." She cries and I sigh.

"I miss you too. But I'm not me anymore. I'm not Emma who takes people's bullshit. Not my parents bullshit I don't care anymore. I do what I what when I want and how I want to do it."


"I had a girlfriend."

"Did you?"

"Yeah. She's gorgeous. The most beautiful being I've ever seen in my entire life. She's kind. She's sweet. She's sexy. She's adorable. She's funny. It's not even about how fine she is it's about seeing her without makeup. Heels off. Hair is in a messy bun. No tight skirt. No revealing blouse. I honestly think she's sexy in pajamas. And she's the most kind hearted person you will ever meet. But it didn't work out." I talk about her like she isn't sitting right next to me.

"I think I love her but I can't tell her now. I fucked up."

"How did you guys break up?"

"My parents didn't accept our relationship. If I just went to that stupid detention I would still be with her. But I'm not. It sucks but she would hate the person I am now. I smoke weed. I drink alcohol. I hate weed. I've fallen down a dark hole. She wouldn't even want me."

"I don't think she hates you and I think you look heartbroken but still beautiful as ever."

"I doubt it."

"I think she may love you too."

"Really? Maybe. But I've fucked up badly. I even said basically said I was gonna sleep with other girls."

"Why didn't you?"

"I care too much. I would never ever hurt her like that. I don't care if we aren't together. I wouldn't do that. I can't think about someone else when I've already had the best." I look over at Regina and I kiss her softly. My hand meet her face and I rub my thumb over her cheek.

"I missed you papí" She cries against my lips.

"I missed you too baby" I cry and we make love all night. Showing how much we truly missed each other.

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