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Second to last chapter

Regina's POV

I wake up and groan rolling over. I sit up and look over seeing Emma she's asleep. I shake her.

"What baby?"

"How did you know?"

"Know what baby. It's way too early go back to sleep."

"No sit up and talk to me. We didn't finish our conversation last night."

"Because you ran away." She says aggravated. I sigh.

"Sit up now Emma freaking Swan!" She groans and finally sits up giving me an annoyed look.

"What the hell!"

"Don't raise your voice at me!" I yell feeling the rage build up.

"Well you fucking started it!"

"Watch your mouth!"

"I'm not a child!"

"I never said you were!"

"You act like it!"

"What's this about?" I ask.

"You lying to me."

"I kept a secret I didn't lie to you! But how did you know about it?"

"I'm not an idiot. I know your cycle Regina. I know when your period comes and the exact days even the off days and exactly what you want. Day one you want to cuddle and lay in bed. Day two I massage and kiss your tummy. Because you're in bed crying from the cramps. Day three you're crying harder and you want chocolate and twizzlers. Day four you want to cuddle and you get really horny. Day five you are tired but you move around cleaning all day. Day six you get moody and scream my head off. And the last day you're clingy and all over me. And crying like hell. I know you like an open book baby. I just don't get why you wouldn't tell me this?" Wow she really does love me. 🤣🤣🤣 Now that's love!

"I was scared Em. I know we aren't ready for a baby."

"I said we should be careful. We needed to wear condoms. Why the hell didn't you say anything to me? When were you going to tell me?"

"I don't know! I'm sorry. I was scared. I knew you'd do exactly this."

"I'm not ready for a child Regina I'm 19 I won't even be here."

"What?" I ask in shock.

"I got accepted to BC. In Boston babe."

"Don't you dare call me babe."

"Regina I was going to tell you-"

"So what did you propose for? To make sure I was not gonna leave you? Cheat on you while you're gone. Are you kidding me?!" I cry and get up. I put on some jeans.

"Baby please come back to bed. That's not the reason!"

"I need to go."

"Go where?" She asks.

"Out. Give me an hour or two because I don't want to see you right now. And I sure as hell don't want to be in the same bed as you."

"Two hours if you're not back-"


"Regina I love you." I look at her and nod. I grab my purse and walk out the room.

I drive to my mothers and I knock on my parents door and my mother opens.

"What's wrong Regina?"

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