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Emma's POV

I get back to my house and put the stuff on my dresser. I continue on school work for some college class. It's hard. But I need to get it done. There's a knock on my door and I run downstairs and see Regina. She has a small bag with her. So she's gonna spend the weekend with me? Yay! I smile and let her in.

"Hi" She says shyly and I close the door. She's wearing black joggers and. a black shirt.

"Hey you wanna go upstairs" I take the bag from her and we go upstairs to my room. Where all the magic happens. Kidding kidding. We haven't slept together in my room. Which is weird. But oh well.

"I'm tired" She says and kicks her shoes off putting them neatly on the end of the bed. "Wanna cuddle with me while I finish this last live lesson for school?" I ask and she nods.

I lay down on my bed and she puts her head on my chest and I kiss her forehead.

"Sorry" I say out of habit. I didn't mean to do that. Even if it felt amazing to be domestic.

"It's okay. I like your kisses" I smile knowing she's blushing because she just said that.

"I mean.... I" I nod and she stops talking before laying her head back down. I join the live lesson and watch as the teacher talks and asks questions. People answer and I answer a few. I feel movement and I look down at Regina and her hand slides in my shirt. She traces my abs with her acrylic nails and I smile. She snuggles closers to me and I squeeze her. She traces my stomach while I watch.

She moans and her hand goes to her stomach. Oh cramps.

"Are you okay" I ask nervously.

"Y-yeah I'm okay. Thanks" I nod and she sits up holding her stomach.

"I don't think you're okay."

"It just hurts. Really really bad" A tear slips from her face and she closes her eyes holding her hand still to her stomach. She lays down and moans again.

"Can I do something to help? Anything?" She shakes her head and I close my laptop and scoot down. I lift her shirt and pull her sweatpants down a little. "Miss Swan" She warns causing me to look up.

"Oh... I'm not doing that." She nods nervously and I pepper her stomach with little kisses. I kiss the whole area softly. After a minute or two I massage it. I don't press too hard seeing how she's in pain and I don't want to cause her anymore. My thumb accidentally slides under the band of her sweats white I'm massaging her stomach.

"I'm sorry I didn't..."

"I know. It's okay."

"Better" I ask hopeful I helped a little.

"Yes actually thank you No one has ever done that. Cared enough to help when it comes. No one does this." That pisses me off. No one treats her like the queen she is. No one shows her how she should be treated. Damn.

"I promise to help you. To ease your pain."

"You can't promise me that."

"As long as you let me. I will be here every month. I'll pepper your tummy with kisses and give massages so it doesn't hurt as bad. Or I'll rub your back when it's terrible and let you cry on my shoulder." She smiles with tears and I know she's emotional.

"You're too sweet." I lick my lip and lean in to peck her nose. She scrunches it up and it's the worlds cutest thing ever. My smile must be reaching my hairline.

"Is this your last day" I ask curiously.


"Good I don't like seeing you in pain. At least not that type of pain."

"There goes sweet Emma and now the regular one is back."

"I think that's the first time you've said my name."

"Is it?"

"Yes it is. One small step for mankind" I tease has she laughs. So carefree light and happy and it makes my whole day.

It's been a week. It's the weekend again and I was going to go to Boston with my parents but I get this weekend with Regina at my house so I'm happy. My mom and dad have been going to see family a lot recently. Maybe there's something going on. I'm not too close with anyone. Of course I love them because they are my family but it's whatever to me.

She knocks on the door right on time and I open to see her and she smiles. I think she's getting comfortable with me. When my parents go out for date night or dinner. She comes over and we sleep together. Sometimes kiss a lot. She keeps saying it's wrong but she's addicting. I sleep with her at least five times a week. Even more. I just can't get enough of her. She left her lace thong over here last time. Maybe next time a shirt and a toothbrush? Hopeful.

"Hey" I kiss her cheek and she blushes before coming in.

"What are we doing this weekend" I ask.

"I'm not sure I want to cuddle."

"And lots of sex. I've had a terrible fight with my sister papí." I follow her to my room and puts her stuff on my dresser.

"How about we start with sex" I ask grabbing her hips. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I push her down onto the bed and start with her clothes.

"Papí I want you" She whispers and I immediately get hard.

"Fuck Regina!"

"Language papí, how many times do I have to tell you until you get it right?" She asks and I peck her lips.

"Fuck" I say and she flips us over and pushes me down.

"Stop you know don't like it" She whines.

"You're lucky you're hot" I say grabbing her hips. Her hair falls over her shoulder to one side and she's so sexy. "Damn mamí" I say and leaning up capturing her lips. I slide my hands up and down her body before grabbing her shirt and throwing it somewhere in my room.

"Em don't loose my shirt" She whines against my lips. I sit up and she takes my shirt off.

I'm laying naked with Regina. I am playing with her hair and she has her arms around my waist.

"I think I should end this."

"I know."

"This is so wrong and unprofessional."

"I'm your student."

"And I'm your teacher."

"Don't you think I know?" I ask sitting up the covers fall exposing my flat chest.


"No don't do that. I just I want you."

"I'm straight."

"Are you seriously still telling yourself that? What's so wrong with being gay?"

"Nothing but I'm not."

"Whatever Regina."

"Don't whatever me!"

"I'm sick of you doing this back and forth. Choose what you want!"

"I don't know!"

"It's either me or not. I'm tired of playing games."

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