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Not a lot of sq in this chapter, more of a filler. Sorry 🤣 having writers block

Emma's POV

I walk into the school early. I wanna see Regina. Plus I didn't understand the homework. We haven't talked in like three days since my mother's house. I see her door closed and a girl is standing next to her desk. I knock on the door and she looks at me and I see something in her face that isn't normal. She opens it and peeks her head out. I check her out. She's wearing a red tight long sleeve v-neck tucked into black tight slacks. Making her ass look perfect. And I can see the red peeking out from under pants so she must be wearing a red heel to match. Okay baby come through with the outfits! Fine ass. Her hair is wavy and makeup done perfectly. She looks really good.

"Yes Miss Swan is there a problem?" She's using her school voice.

"I didn't understand the homework, I know I should've texted or emailed but it was late. Sorry."

"No no come in." I walk in and stand awkwardly.

"Come sit Miss Swan" I walk over to her desk and sit in the chair that's right next to it. I take out my note book and the text book.

"Who is this Regina?"

"This is Emma Swan, she's a great student."

"I wouldn't say that." I say blushing. What the fuck! I do not blush!

"I would. Now what is the problem?"

"I was reading and I just don't understand this question."

"It's asking your opinion Miss Swan. It's doesn't matter what you write."


"Yes really?" I smile and look down reading the question over again.

"Thank you Miss Mills, do you mind if I sit here until the bell rings?"

"No I don't. You have 15 minutes."

"Okay" I grab my stuff and finish the homework. I watch her ass as she writes her name and date on the board in the top corner. She's on her toes. I smile. How cute is my girlfriend?

"What are we doing today?"

"You'll have to wait until class starts to find out."

"Oh come on. Just tell me."

"It's about- yeah no. You're just going to have to wait" I roll my eyes and then some kids start coming in. Robin, Ruby, Belle, Killian, Joshua. Tyrell. I hate them. They scoff seeing me.


"Ass." I spit back.

"Language come on" Regina says.

"Sorry Miss Mills" Tyrell says and I laugh shaking my head.

"What's funny Swan?"

"Nothing Tyrell." He sits down and I go on my phone.

Here comes the dooshe Darren. I hate him. He's just so cocky and so damn annoying.

"Dayum Miss Mills, you look good today."

"Yes you do" Sherry says.

"Damn straight." Killian replies with and a lot of other comments from kids.

"Language guys but thank you." The bell rings and kids come rushing in last minute and then she closes the door. There's a knock on the door. And Regina walks over her hips swaying and I twitch in my jeans. No not today little Swan.

"You're late" She says opening the door. I hear everyone whistle probably at her round ass.

"I'm sorry" Oh it's Mulan.

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