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Regina's POV

I drive to Emma's after school and it's been a week. It feels weird not having sex all the time. We've been talking more about us and what we want more of and it's been actually really nice. Sometimes I feel like our relationship was so rushed but then I remember it took Emma to whole months to finally ask me out. I park my car and get out going inside. I close the door and Emma is laying down on the couch. She's not asleep I can tell but her eyes are closed.


"Yes baby?" I blush at the cute nickname I've gotten so used to her calling me.

"How are you dealing?"

"I'm okay I guess. It's nice talking to you more since we aren't sleeping together all the time. It's kind of like we are staring fresh. It's great but I do miss you."

"Just wait until you finally can get inside me again. I bet you won't last more than twenty seconds at the most."

"I say less than ten." We both laugh.

"How are my babies?"

"They actually miss you a lot. I've been kind of busy with work so my mother has been over a lot more recently helping me out."

"Yeah what's going on with that? I noticed you've been working a lot more."

"I don't know. I've just had a lot of paperwork and stuff. It's been tiring." I sigh and Emma finally sits up.

"Sit baby." I sit down and she grabs my legs putting my feet on her lap. She slides off both my heels off and I smile. That alone felt so good. I could sleep in my heels. They aren't uncomfortable or anything because I'm so used to them but it's like taking something that's cutting your circulation off and being able to feel and breathe again. It's kind of weird. She starts massaging my feet and she presses kisses on my feet. I giggle and hum in appreciation.

Emma's POV

My beautiful girlfriend ends up falling asleep and I know she's exhausted. She didn't go to sleep until 2 am and was up early because of Henry. I was up too texting her while she was trying not to fall asleep while working. I was a little tired but she had to work on top of that and I know how much of a perfectionist she is when it comes to her place of work. I pick her up bridal style and walk up the stairs. I set her down on my bed when I get into the room. I push my covers back and I take off her blazer. I unbutton her shirt and normally she would wake up by now so I know my baby is so damn tired. She needs the day off. Or two. She really does. I push her shirt off her shoulders and I grab a big shirt of mine setting it on the bed. I unzip her skirt and pull it down her legs. I pull the shirt over her head and down her body. I move her over and pull the covers up to her chest. I kiss her head softly moving her hair out her face and she snuggles into the pillows and whines realizing it's not me. I take off my shoes and jeans. I leave my shirt on and get into bed with her. She rolls over finding me easily. Her head finds my chest where she gets comfy and wraps her arms around me holding me close.

"Rest baby." I whisper running my fingers through her hair. I massage her scalp and run my hands over her cheek. I admire her face. She really is beautiful. I should take off all her makeup but I don't have the heart to hear her small whines when I get up and move away from her. Her face looks so relaxed. She's truly a sight to fucking see. I mean, how did I get so god damn lucky to be with Regina Mills? Must have won a lottery. I kiss her head again and her little nose scrunches up adorably. I chuckle and forget about everything around me. All I care about is the small brunette in my arms.

I wake up and Regina is still sleeping on me. It's six now. My bedroom door opens and I look to see my parents walk in.

"Hey mom, hi dad."

"Hey what's Regina doing here?"

"She came after work. She was tired so I put her to bed."

"That's sweet." My mom says smiling.

"What are you two doing for dinner?" My dad asks.

"I don't know why? Are you two going out?"

"Yeah for dinner."

"Okay we'll eat in."

"Alright we are leaving."

"Yeah is that it?"

"Yep." They walk out and I hear their car drive off. I pull my little baby closer to me.

"I'm hungry papí."


"Fine but only this once."

"I get to see the heath nut Regina fucking Mills eat pizza? Am I dreaming?"

"Shut up. I don't eat healthy all the time."

"Not that I see and we've been together a long time now."

"We have haven't we?"

"Yeah baby."

"It doesn't feel like it."

"I can't wait to marry you. And spend the rest of my life with you." She sits up and look at me before smiling confused.

"You want to marry me?"

"Yes. Duh! Why else would we be together. I'm in this for the long hall. You think I want anyone else to have? You're mine."

"I know I am.

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