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Mary's POV

David and I have been talking about things we need to discuss with Emma. She's home now. It's the Christmas break so she has three weeks off I believe. Not totally positive. I'm sure she's still dating Regina. Which is so wrong and I should tell Mr Gold but then Emma is gonna hate us more. She might even run away.

I walk in the house with groceries and I see Emma and Regina crying. What the hell is going on? Regina has her hands on Emma's face and Emma's hands are on her hips. Regina is squished against the kitchen island.

"I know our relationship is on rocky roads with my parents and the school and your job and everything right now but I need you more than works can say. You've saved me in ways I can't even explain. And you've always been there for me and I promise baby I'll do the same."

"Emma I don't want to do this if you're gonna be constantly at a battle with your parents. Your family. It's just selfish of-"

"I'm not letting you do this! Not again. They'll come around. I love you Regina. I know it's soon and we've only been together for like five months but I love you so fucking much." Emma puts her forehead against Regina's and I look at David.

"I love you too Emma" Regina whispers. I see Emma smile. Her real smile. I haven't seen that in too long.

"I can't loose you." She softly caresses the side of Regina's face who melts into her touch.

"I really can't. I love you too much to not fight day in and day out for this relationship. I know it's not ideal. But I don't care. I know you think I'll want someone younger but if it's not Regina Mills then I don't want her. You're everything I want and everything I need. I didn't ask for you at all you just came into my life and I new you were exactly what's missing."

"Emma." Regina says softly.

"I know baby. I know you're scared and I am too. I don't want you to loose your job and your kids but I'm scared to loose you. I pray to whoever is out there that I never have to go another day without you in my life." A tear falls from her cheek. She starts crying and Regina wipes her tears away before pecking her lips.

"God I love you." Regina whispers.

"Emma" I say and she looks over at me and Regina looks down dropping her hands. Emma's face falls and turns to anger. Wow.

"Emma don't look at your mother like that" David says.

"I will look at her however the hell I want. When you accept who I am and who I'm with then maybe we can talk. But now no we can't talk. I don't want to talk to either of you. The only reason I'm still here is because Regina told me not to run."

"I'm sorry Emma but this is just wrong. It isn't right. She's 25 Emma you're only 19. And she's your teacher for goodness sake!"

"School is almost over. Then it doesn't matter what anyone says. You have no idea what she's done for me. When you and dad have shit to say about me you know where I go. To her house, because she listens to me and holds me when I cry. Because I feel safe when I'm with her. I feel attacked and unwanted here. When I'm with her I feel like I'm on the moon. She accepts me and every part of me. She loves me for who I am. She actually cares about me. And I will be damned if you ruin this again! I'll be damned if I let you control me again! I'll be damned if you think I'm gonna listen to you! I swear I will run away and I'm not coming back" Emma says and I look at David and he looks a Emma.

"Emma you can't actually be serious about this" I look at Regina and she doesn't meet my eyes.

"You know better than this Regina." She looks up at me.

"I do but I love her. I don't care about the rules right now."

"Are you that lonely you can't find anyone your actual age? Is it that hard for you? Is it because you have trust issues? Or maybe because you have a messed up childhood and you're crazy? Or maybe it's cause you have three kids with no father. Maybe no one actually wants to be with you but a poor 19 year old girl who doesn't know what she's doing."

Regina's POV

"Are you that lonely you can't find anyone your actual age? Is it that hard for you? Is it because you have trust issues? Or maybe because you have a messed up childhood and you're crazy? Or maybe it's cause you have three kids with no father. Maybe no one actually wants to be with you but a poor 19 year old girl who doesn't know what she's doing." I grab Emma's hand squeezing.

"Daniel didn't want you! Graham never loved you. You were just someone he let his anger out on! Harry dated you over a stupid dare right? Facilier cheated on you constantly. Don't you see the reoccurring pattern here? No one loves you! And no one could ever love you!" A tear falls down my face and I close my eyes looking down. Don't cry Regina. Don't cry. Don't you dare cry!

"Mom! How dare you!" Emma wraps her arms around me and I cover my face. I put my head in her chest and she rubs my back.

"Go away. Both of you" Emma says and I hear them walk away. Once the steps stop I sob hard.

"Baby" Emma whines and I shake my head.

"Please don't Emma."

"You know none of that is true! People don't deserve you. I love you. I love you. Okay" I nod and she pecks my lips. I wipe my tears and kiss her again. I grab her neck pulling her to me and she walks backwards pushing me up against a wall. Her lips travel down my neck and then she picks me up. I'm wearing a skirt and no panties. It bunches up at my waist and I try to grind against her for some type of friction.

"Uh Emma" I moan and then I fall back onto a couch. She pushes her jeans down and whips out her cock. It springs free and I watch it harden at my gaze. I smirk and she lines up.

"Wait my parents" She says and I grab her hips and she enters me a little. I moan arching off the couch.

"Fuck me! I want them to hear my screams and moans for their 19 year old daughter. I don't care" I say and she slams into me. I moan loudly and she slips out and pushes herself back in. I know me cursing is a huge turn on for her and she picks up the speed. Oh god I love her. Her being inside me is like heaven. I lean up to meet her lips and she kisses me hard. Her tongue enters without warning and I push her out and bite down on her lip. My lips meet her soft skin on her neck and I suck trying to mark her. I leave hickeys all over her neck. I find her sweet spot and she moans loudly squirting into me.

"Oh fuck Emma! Fuck me harder papí!" I yell spreading my legs father apart and she goes even deeper. I reach one hand down and play with her balls. I squeeze and she starts jerking her hips.

"Oh fuck you feel so good Emma. Fill me up papí!" I scream and she starts hitting my g-spot. She rubs my clit roughly and I roll my hips reaching my peek and we both cum at the same time. "EMMAAAAA!" I flip her over and ride off my orgasm.

"Damn baby you've never came like that" She says grabbing my hips.

"I've never cursed either" I say blushing Emma sits up and she's still inside me. She twitches and I moan.

"It was so sexy baby. But I wanna see you naked. Come on." She sits up holding me carefully so she doesn't slip out. I suck on her neck as we go up the stairs. I want her parents to see for days how much I love her.

We fall into the bed bouncing a little and she thrust into me and I moan setting my hands down on her chest.

"I love you so much papí."

"I love you too baby girl." I smile and she pecks my lips before I start ridding her.

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