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Emma's POV

I wake up tangled in someone's arms. A alarm goes off and I groan loudly stretching my free arm. Her head on my bare chest and my arm is asleep but holding her waist tightly.

I hear a soft moan and she rolls over stopping her alarm. "Ow" She says and opens her eyes seeing me. I watch her face remember what happened last night.

"Oh my god. Please God let this be a dream" She covers her eyes and rolls on her back. I move closer and slide my hands through her smooth folds making her wet to my touch. She moans and her perfectly manicured hand grabs my wrist. I push my two fingers into her and she moans. I spread her legs and kiss her chest.

"Ms Swan" She moans and I bite my lip smirking. My move my fingers inside of her and pumping slowly and painfully. She doesn't say a word. Her breathing picks up and so does my speed knowing she close. I rub her clit roughly and she starts moaning like crazy.

"Ay papí" My member twitches and I groan going faster. Her legs start shaking and I suck everywhere on her chest making a hickey above her left breast.

"Uhhh!" She moans and cums around my fingers. I slide my fingers out and lick them clean. She is still covering her eyes. I push the covers over her head and lick her folds. I groan at her taste and come back up.

"This has to stop and I have school and so do you" She says sitting up. I watch her stand up and I quickly jump up watching her legs wobble. I push her against the wall. My naked body against hers.

"I can't walk."

"Give it a few, you will be able to walk properly in a couple. Well maybe."

"This is terrible. Now I have to call out of work." She throws her head back and I reach over grabbing her phone off the charger and handing it to her.

"Thank you Ms Swan but this cannot happen again. Don't you have a girlfriend?" I look down and I'm met with her flat stomach.

"Hi this is Ms Mills can I speak to Mr. Gold?" I slide my hand up her stomach and she looks at me and shakes her head. She covers the mic giving me an annoyed look. "Don't-" She's cut off quickly.

"Ms. Mills a pleasure."

"I would say yes but I can't come in today."

"It's the second day of school."

"I must've come down with a cold or something. I would suck it up but I don't want to get any of the kids sick and to be honest I don't think I can even do much today."

"Okay I'll have someone's watch your class. I understand."

"Will you be in tomorrow?"

"No" I say with a laugh and she shakes her head covering my mouth. I kiss her hand and she rolls her eyes.

"Okay is that it. If so have a restful day Ms Mills. Bye." He didn't realize that wasn't her voice.

"Alright bye." She hangs up and closes her eyes.

"Get off me!" She snaps and I twitch making her moan. I bite my lip and groan.

"How do you have a.. a you know what."

"A dick?"

"Language" I smile and lick my lips, her eyes travel down and then back up to mine.

"You're not straight."

"Yes I am" She moves from me wobbly and grab her robe before sitting on the bed.

"You slept with me. And it was consensual. Don't go filing a police report on me."

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