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Regina's Mills
My first class just ended and I have a free period to grade so I go into my office and start grading. Nothing is even good. What the world?! No one even tried. I have one last paper. From the blonde.

Emma Swan

This Girl got me weak. For of all I'm gay. Where do I begin? I don't even know this girl she doesn't know me. I just met her. She knows my first and last name whatever the paper says is what she knows. I like her. And that's a lot coming from me. I can never stick to one girl because I've never found someone who I know I can give my world to. So I guess a little background information is kind of needed right? I'm 19 and I am intersexual. Means I'm a girl with a penis. Yea the weird one. But the one who become popular gains friends and doesn't even talk to them. I have a reputation. My parents are the most goody-too-shoe people ever I have ever met. They're not my real parents but they love me. At least I hope. Mary M is my mom she's sweet and caring. She knows when something's off. David my dad the sheriff and he is so inspiring. I wanna be like him protecting the state. But back to this girl. I like her. I've only met her today and I only am gonna see her once a day but I like her. Did I say I like her? Ha. She's different. By the look in her eyes I know she's broken, I know she's been hurt. She's been in pain. I can tell. I read people and I do it well. She's fragile. Like glass. She's like a trophy. I play games but not girls. They're hearts are plates, easily broken and can carry a ton. They go through so much and I can already see the trouble people put her through. She's dare I say insecure. Even though she's gorgeous. She's imperfectly perfect. She seems to be mean but I don't know her well. I would love to get to know her. But she's off limits. She's totally off limits. Well that's not gonna stop me. I don't care about rules. Especially when it comes to girl. Damnit.

I frown at the paper. That's it? She must really like this girl. I give her a 97% and sit back. Now she won't leave my mind.

Emma's POV
I have an hour to do nothing so I decide to go to Ms.Mills class I'm so bored. I knock and I open it and she gives me a small smile. "Can I help you" she asks.

"Uhh I don't have a class and I'm bored do mind some company" I ask nervously. When do I ever get nervous! Emma come on! Bro your not pussy.

"Um... sure why not" she opens it more and I walk in closing and locking the door so people don't just walk in. She's sitting at her desk spinning in her chair. Her shoes are off and she's on her phone. I smile and look down grabbing my phone. I just look at snapchat. Nothing important but I'm bored I wanna do something. Smoke maybe? Nah it's the first day I'll do it tomorrow.

"Is there anything I can do" I ask. She looks up and bites her lip thinking.

"You can put papers on the desk" I shrug and stand up making my way over to her desk. She bends down opening a drawer and my eyes immediately go to her cleavage. She has great boobs! Oh god!

"Ms.Swan my eyes are up here" I gulp and look into her eyes. "Sorry" she nods handing me the papers. I go to each desk putting the paper and then I sit back down.

"Are you single" I blurt out. I cover my mouth in shock. I can't believe I just asked that. "I'm so sorry I don't know what I'm doing" I say. I close my eyes. Jez what's wrong with me. Where's your charm Emma! Get it together bitch!

"It's quiet fine dear, and yes I'm single" she looks away quickly and I bite my lip. She called me dear. What the hell! I don't know what's wrong with me.

I can finally go home I'm so sick of this and I'm getting hard thinking of her so now I need a cold shower or maybe two. All I can think about is hitting it. Tapping that ass. Damn I would fuck her up. Not just that but give her the world. She's so cute and then hot at the same time and I just want her now. God I need her. My mom knows the teachers that works there, so she must know my teachers. So I grab my phone while I'm in the shower.

-Hi mom can uh I get Ms. Mills address
-Emma why
-I need to turn something in before I fail and I can't turn it in tomorrow morning
-I don't know Em
-Please we just started school I don't want to be failing behind already mom please
-thank you
-108 mifflin st.

I grab my book bag and I pack some clothes just incase I spend the night. I get into my car and drive to the address. I pull up to a freaking mansion. I smile and grab my book bag

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