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Emma's POV

Regina's class is over now she has her two hour break. I watch everyone leave and I put my papers away slowly. She eyes me up and down and then looks away. I smirk and stand up leaving my bag on the floor.

"Miss Mills are you okay?" I ask walking up to her door and locking it.

"I want you" She whispers looking down which makes me smile.

"You what? Sorry I can't hear you" I say walking closer to her. She looks up at me and grabs my hand dragging me into her office.

"I'm addicted and this is so wrong. And I'm no even into girls but I can't stop thinking about you!" She says and I push her down onto her couch. She starts to unbutton her shirt and I stop her by grabbing her hands. I slide her heels off and the kick my shoes off. I also take off my socks. Who fucks with their socks on?

"Ahh papí hurry" She whines impatiently.

"Shhh Miss Mills" I kiss her lips and her hands slide up my jacket and under my shirt. She scratches at my back and I start undoing her shirt button my button. I untuck it from her skirt and she closes her eyes pulling me closer.

"Strip" I say and she stands up and her shirt falls to the floor. I bite my lip staring at her round breasts. She shimmies out her skirt and it falls to the ground. "Turn" She puts her hands on her hips and turns around. She's wearing a red lace thong. I moan and start taking my clothes off until I'm completely naked.

"Bra and panties" She's still turned to me. I can't see that beautiful face. I watch as her bra falls and her thong. I groan at the sight of her u covered phat ass.

"Turn for me." She spins around and I almost drool. Her round perks breasts. Oh full display.

"How long do we have" I ask rubbing my hands together.

"Three hours Gold canceled my third-second period. For planning. And I have my two hour break in between them."

"Great" I grab her face and her hands find my hips. I pull her closer and walk backwards until she falls onto the couch. I push her legs apart and setting between them. "Papí I need you." She whines adorably. I line up with her entrance and circle it. She gasps grabbing my hand which is holding my dick. She moves my hand and grabs my member in her cold hands. I gasp not being able to speak at the moment.

"Miss Mills" I warn and she pulls and I shove myself into her. "Papííí" She moans dragging the nickname. I kiss her chest. She grabs my hips and I push in harder.

"Oh fuck Regina" I groan and pick up my speed. She spread her legs farther apart and she moans and starts scratching my back.

"Papí I'm so close!" She yells and arches off the couch. I suck on her right nipple and she squeals.

"Oh my god Miss Swan" I frown.

"What happened to papí?"

"Sorry papí" She whispers and I keep pounding into her beautifully tight pussy.

"I'm close" I say and she nods and I suck on her other nipple and swirl my tongue before biting and she cums screaming. I cum inside her and we both pant. I kiss down her chest and slip over before I lick her bufflehead of nerves. She shudders and I shake my head. I hold her down as she tries to move against my tongue. I lick all the up to her little throbbing nub. I grab her clit with my teeth and then I start to suck on it. She moans and grabs a chunk of my hair and pulls me in. I let go and slip my tongue in her pussy. She moans pushing me in deeper and my nose rubs against her clit.

"Oh god!"

"Cum Regina."

"Yes papí." She says and she cums in my mouth. I lick her clean and then I slip into her again.

"No no I'm too sensitive."

"Well I'm hard again." I say and she rolls over on top ridding me. Her breasts bounce up and down and she does the same on my cock.

"Ahhhh." She moans through gritted teeth. She arches backwards closing her eyes and I thrust up into her quickly.

"Please Emma." I nod and take control knowing she's close and definitely loosing her control. Her hips jerk against mine and she sets her hand down on my chest and somehow I go deeper making her scream out very sexily. I moan and keep fucking her har before we both cum again.

Regina stands putting her shirt back into her skirt. "I want you again" I say and she laughs.

"This has to stop. I have end this. I'm your teacher and it's wrong."


"No I could loose my job and be arrested. I could loose everything."

"I'm 19."

"And I'm 25!"

"Please don't push me away."

"I'm sorry Miss Swan."

"Regina. We just had sex."

"I know. And it was amazing but this can't keep happening."


"Papí don't."

"Don't call me that" I look away and sigh.

"Look I'm sorry but I can't risk it."

"Okay" I say standing up.

"You don't have to leave."

"If I stay then it's like I'm saying I'm okay with this and I'm not."

"Okay." She says and I walk out.

It's the weekend. I've avoided Regina at every cost. I do my work finish and get out as quick as I can. I've been talking college classes so I don't have to go to college. Too much school for me. I've already finished two courses. I can graduate high school and college and then become a sheriff. I smile and lay in bed finishing some work for the day. My parents left on a quick trip to Boston I didn't want to go so I'm home alone. Regina been in my mind all week. All day everyday and she never leaves. It's crazy.

I want to see her. She didn't look too good this week. I don't know she looked like she was in pain. I should text her. No I shouldn't. But I should. Then I look desperate. But she really didn't look good. Not today especially.

Me- hey you okay?
Regina- yeah i'm fine
Me- when a girl says I'm fine it doesn't actually mean she's fine can I ft you?
Regina- uh.... sure

I call her and her beautiful face pops up. She's laying down and this is what I mean she looks like she's in pain. What's going on?

"Are you okay?"

"I have uh.... I have cramps" She blushes.

"Is it that time?"

"My menstruation cycle? Yes. I'm in so much pain right now."

"Do you want to come over? I miss you. We don't have to do anything. I promise. I could get some chocolate and movies. A heating pad. I could give you a massage."

"Sounds tempting. Keep talking."

"We could cuddle, and I could annoy you. I don't want to see you in pain."

"It's always worst the last day."

"Is that a yes?"

"I'll be over in after a quick bath."

"Okay bye." I quickly get up throwing on some blue jeans with a white shirt. I put my chain on. I throw my hair up into a bun. I put a black bandana on my head like a headband and black air force 1s low top. I grab my keys and rush to the store. I get some chocolate. I get popcorn. I get some movies and a heating pad. I walk up to the counter and no one is in here.

"Hi how's your day" He starts scanning my stuff.

"Good you?"


"Girlfriend?" He asks and I smile looking down.

"I wish."

"I'm married. I know how it is. Good luck. She's gonna be moody" I nod.

"She already is without this. Wish me
luck" I hand him a 20 and go to my car.

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