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Emma's POV

It's yet another week of school. I wake up a little late so I put on. white thrasher shirt with white jeans and white sneakers. I put my hair in a bun and put a bandana on. I put on my gold chain and watch. I brush my teeth and head downstairs. I set a bowl of cereal and then drive to school.

I walk into the school and head straight to my girlfriends class. My girlfriend. That feels so good to say that. She's all mine. I open the door and she's sitting down with her sexy glasses on and doing work. She looks up and smiles.

"You look sexy" I say and I lean over the desk to kiss her.

"You look sexy too" She says and I smile. I put my bag down and stare at her as she continues doing work. I grab my phone and go on snapchat. The bell rings and rolls start piling in. I look around and realize all the girls sit by me.

"Miss Mills is so pretty" Some girls behind me whispers.

"Rumor has it, she is married with kids."

"Wait really?"

"I think so."

"I would let her have my kids. Damn." I growl lowly in anger. They shouldn't be talking about her like that.

It's lunch and I sit with the guys. "Did you see Miss Mills today with those glasses on?" Robin asks smirking.

"She makes me want to get her pregnant."

"I wanna bend her over the desk, push her skirt up and drop those panties off before cumming in that beauty."

"Guys stop that's so wrong." I say cringing at the thought of Robin or any of these guys near my girlfriend.

"Oh come on Emma we all know everyone wants to tap that ass."

"I would do it without a doubt."

"I bet none of you could get her in your bed. Video proof" Killian smirks.

"She would be falling for me the second I look at her."

"I don't want a relationship I just want her to be my bitch. I would fuck the shit outta that perfect pussy. Then break her heart." I stand up and punch Robin and it turns into a whole fight.

"Miss Swan and Mr Locksley principals office now!" I turn and see Regina.

"There's my bitch" Robin whispers to the guys who laugh. I punch him again and the cafeteria gasps. I walk away and Regina follows me.

"He was being inappropriate about a teacher. I had to. You shouldn't talk about women like that!" I explain.

"Why does it matter! She doesn't know!" Robin says annoyed.

"What did you say Robin?" Gold asks.


"You can't even say it you asshole!"

"Kiss ass!" He spits.


"Enough what did you say Mr Locksley?" Gold ask.

"He said-"

"Emma don't."

"He said he would make Miss Mills his bitch. That he would bend her over her desk and have his way. And then break her heart" I look at Regina and then down. She looks down and I know that hurt.

"From here on you're kicked off the soccer team Robin. And you both are suspended for the rest of the week. Now may I ask Miss Mills to sit down and Robin go outside. I'm calling your parents." Robin smacks the back of my head and I quickly stand up and punch his nose.

"I'm sorry Miss Mills about that."

"It's fine. I just didn't know my students talk about me like that."

"Emma why did you punch him. Let alone make him bleed like that? You should be getting an assault charge."

"I don't care who he's talking about. You never say that about a woman. You don't call her a bitch. I may be a bad student and rude to a lot of people but my parents raised me right. You don't treat women like that. You don't say that to a woman or about her. It's rude. It's so wrong."

"Well your heart was in the right place but your head wasn't. You are missing out on the next two games in soccer as well."

"That's not fair!" The door opens and Robin walks in with his parents.

"Miss Swan please tell me again exactly what Robin said about Miss Mills here" Robin's parents look at me and then Miss Mills.

"He said he would make Miss Mills his bitch. That he would bend her over her desk and have his way. And then break her heart." His parents glare at him and I look back to Robin who looks ashamed. And he should be.

"Why did this cause a fight?" His dad asks.

"Because you don't talk about women like that. Would you call your wife a bitch? Maybe he gets it from you."

"Miss Swan that's enough" Regina says and I close my mouth seeing her glare.

"I apologize for her behavior."

"Robin would you like to say something to Miss Mills here?" His mom asks.

"I'm sorry for saying that about you. It won't happen again."

"You're getting off with a warning from me. But if I hear it again I'm switching your classes."

"No please don't. I actually like your class. Please don't Miss Mills. It won't happen again."

"I'm not easy to persuade Mr. Locksley but I appreciate your apology. Thank you." She gets up and walks out.

Regina got the day off too since Gold was being since and tomorrow. I know she's hurt.

"Come to my house please" I ask her in the parking lot. I see Robin and his parents walk out and they walk towards us.

"Is there something going on here?" She asks eyeing me. I put my hands in my pocket and look down.

"Are you opposing something is going on here besides a teacher talking to a student?"

"Yes I am."

"Well you're wrong she was just inviting me for dinner if you must know Mrs Locksley."

"And why is that."

"I'm friends with her mother Mrs Nolan. Do you want to follow me there to make sure I'm doing my job or should you go home and teach your kid some manners. Cause if I was you I would go with the second option" I smile seeing her so bossy and authoritative. She walks away and drives off.

"Please come I know you're upset."

"I have to bring my kids. They are gonna know you. I'll tell them not to say anything but I can't promise our relationship won't be exposed. I can only stop them from so much papí" I immediately get hard.

"Okay my house now!" We both hop into our cars and drive to my home.

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