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Emma's POV

Regina and I are watching my cop show. It's called Live PD. They arrest people and it's live and it's kinda of really funny.

The front door opens and I go to see who when Regina grabs my hand. I don't think she heard it open.

"Do you wanna go on a date with me tonight?"


"Out of town so no one says anything. Not too far but far enough so I don't get arrested if people see us. But I really love you. So much and I just wanna take you out."

"Okay. I love you too. What time tonight?"

"Like 5:45. So I have to go home and get ready. Wear something nice."

"Okay. I'll walk you to the door." I walk into the kitchen and my parents are putting groceries away.

"I'm guessing Emma told you?"

"Yeah and I just wanna thank you. For accepting us and trying at least." My mom nods and I go to drag her outside but she stops.

"It's mid-day anyone could see us. And it's the break at that." She nods and I peck her lips.

"Wait it's cold outside baby." I go to the closet and I get my red leather jacket. She wrap it around her shoulders and pull her close by the collar. She holds my waist.

"I love you." I say smiling.

"I love you too."

"This looks good on you."


"I'm not lying." I say laughing.

"I'll see you in a few hours." I nod and she walks out. I sigh and close the door.

I feel so dressy. My dad helped with my outfit. I'm wearing black dress pants that aren't sagging with dress shoes and a navy blue button up. I have a black blazer over it. My mom pulled my hair out of my face and put on barely any makeup. Just some of like black stuff on my eyelashes. It was kinda terrifying. There's a knock on the door and I straighten everything out before grabbing my wad of cash and my phone. I have my watch on and chain. I open the door and my mouth falls open. She's wearing a black tight dress. There's a part around her neck and her arms are out. I smile and pull her inside. I push her against the door and kiss her hard. She really just turned me on so much. She giggles against my lips and I look down again. Black heels with the red bottom to match her lips. Her hair is curly and she changed her hoops into silver dangly earrings and her normal purse is traded in for a silver clutch and she looks amazing.

"You're truly a sight to see my love."

"You look handsomely beautiful Em."

"I really like that."


"Mhm. Because I'm masculine but still a girl. That's all I want you to call me from now on besides papí."

"Okay papí" I smile and peck her lips. We head out after saying bye to my parents. She hands me the keys.

"You're gonna let my drive your precious car?"

"I trust you Emma. And you already have."

"I know but last time it was I drive or we don't leave."

"I trust you." I kiss her and open the door for her. I close it and then run around. Once I get in I push the chair back and lean in back just a little. She sits up so straight.


"No it's fine. You're tiny and it's cute."

"The directions are in the maps." She says.

"Turn left on maybury" It calls out and I turn and then grabs Regina's hand. I lean over and kiss her softly. She smiles and moves her lips against mine. She's such a good kisser.

"Oh wait ba- Emma." She blushes and wipes her lipstick off my lips.

"Where you going to call me babe?"

"Shut up!" I laugh and drive.

I pull up to a nice place. Looks beautiful. Regina tells me to pull up to valet. I get out and hand the guy the keys. I take Regina's hand.



"Right this way Mrs" Regina nods blushing and we follow him to a nice table by the ocean view. It's a two seater table. I pull out Regina's seat and we sit.


"I'm underage. I'll have a sprite."

"I'll have a red wine." He walks away and I smile looking at Regina.

"Is this our first date? Mrs Swan-Mills."

"I'm sorry."

"No I love it."


Dinner was great. I drive back slowly not wanting this night to end.

"Can we stop at your house and you bring some clothes over for a couple days?"

"You want me to stay over?" She asks.

"What about the babies?"

"With my mom until tomorrow."

"I don't mind."

"Your parents."

"Are at work all day."


"Please baby. I wanna wake up with you in my arms. I want you here with me."

"Fine. You know the way" I nod and drive to her house. We get out and rush inside. I follow her upstairs. Her hips sway and I groan. She turns back around looking at me and I blush. She smiles and keeps walking up the stairs. Fuck! I pick up my pace and push her against the wall.

"Emma" She whispers and I groan grinding against her center. She moans loudly gripping my shoulder and I stop. I'm gonna cum if I don't stop now.

"I can't believe you just did that to me."

"Me either." She keeps walking and once we get to her room I push her against the wall again.

"Emma no" She says and I press my crotch into her ass.

"No! no we can't."


"I've been thinking and I wanna go slow. We've only been together what? Six months. I just want this to last so please." I kiss her lips and was about to deepened it when I remember.

"Should you still sleep over?"

"Just no sex."

"Baby" I whine.

"I'm serious Emma. I want this forever. Please."

"I love you and I will wait." She smiles and pecks my lips.

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