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Emma's POV

"Are you sure your parents won't be coming home anytime?"

"My mom already told me she's working late but to ask you for dinner."

"Why? Does she know?"

"I don't know baby but she will today. I don't want to hide from them anymore. You're my girlfriend. And I want this." I say grabbing her hands.

"What if she doesn't like me. What if he doesn't like me. What if they hate me and make you break up with me. Or tell Gold and I get fired. Or I loose my kids" She cries and I hold her face and she sits in front of me.

"That's not gonna happen. They probably aren't gonna be happy but nothing will stop me from being with you." She sobs and I kiss her cheek as tears fall down.

"Lay with me baby" She lays her head down on my chest. She grips my shirt tight in her hands.

"I had a boyfriend. His name was Graham. We we're high school sweethearts. I thought we would be together forever. His mom didn't like me. She tried to run me over and then killed her own son. Because he loved me." I hold her closer just wishing to hide all her worries. To make them go away.

"It's okay baby, let it out. I've got you. I'm not going anywhere" I look to my door feeling someone staring and see my mom. She looks furious. I shake my head. She stares at Regina. She can't see her face. But she probably is guessing which teacher. Because she's still wearing her clothes from school.

"I don't want to loose you. You mean too much to me. You mean the world to me. All I think about is you. When I can see you next even if you just left five minutes ago. I can't live without you. I can't loose you Em" She says sitting up crying but my mom still can't see her face. I sit up and put my hands on her face to calm her down. She melts immediately and I kiss her forehead.

"You won't loose me. I promise you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Miss Swan."

"Don't Miss Swan me. I know and I intend to keep this one. Okay" She nods and pulls me into a kiss. I wrap my arms around her waist and she rolls over straddling me. I hope my mom walked out now. She probably came home for lunch. I hope she leaves now.

"You sure?" She nods and I start unbuttoning her shirt. I pop all the buttons and throw the shirt.

"Papí I really liked that shirt."

Regina just went to get her kids. I'm waiting for her it's been like two hours now. My mom should be getting home sometime. I told her Regina has to bring her children. She said it's okay so I'm just waiting. I get a bag of chips out of the pantry when I hear a knock. I go to the door and see my lovely girlfriend and her beautiful children. I smile and lean down.

"Hi babies"

"Papí!" They hug me and I smile hugging them back.

"How was school?"


"Come in babe" She is holding Henry. I take him from her arms and he's awake. He's so tiny.

"Hi my sweet boy. Hi baby" He smiles and I lift him up and kiss his cheek. Then his nose. He smiles again and I hold him.

"Can I put him in your room for a nap? He's been so mean and cranky to the babysitter."

"Of course lay him on the bed." She pecks my lips and goes upstairs. I go into the living room.

"Can we watch a movie papí?"

"Yes of course." I go on Netflix and but on Moana. Everyone loves Moana.

"Henry's asleep" I look and see my beautiful girlfriend looking more laid back. She's wearing dress pants with a blue button up and her sexy teacher heels.

"How long until your parents gets here?"

"Why wanna quickie?"

"We just had sex."

"Yes we did baby."

"I know but you're so addicting. I want you everyday, all day papí."

"Guest room now." I grab her hand and pull her into the guest bedroom. My lips meet hers and I immediately lift her up grabbing her ass and fall onto the bed.

I carefully take her shirt off and then she slides mine over my head. I flip us over and undo her pants sliding them off. I lean down and suck on her exposed stomach. She moans and I hold her hips down as she tries to grind onto me. "Nope don't move" I say and she groans. I unclip her bra and throw it. Good luck finding that.

"Stop teasing please Em" I remove my pants and boxers quickly before I kiss up her inner thigh.

"Emma" She whines and I slide her panties down her legs and then throw them. I take a long lick and she grabs a handful of my hair. I moan feeling her nails scratch my scalp. I line up and then slide into her easily because she's so wet. She moans and grabs my hips. I groan and thrust harder.

"Ahhhh Emmmmaaaa" I can tell she's close so I lean down and meet her lips to help muffle her loud moans. The kids are downstairs.

"Fuck fuck Regina!" I kiss her neck. They are wet sloppy kisses. She grabs my neck bringing my mouth back to hers and I go harder hearing her moans pick up.

"Cum baby" I whisper against her lips before sliding my tongue in. She sucks on my tongue and I bite her plump red lips. "I'm so close papí" I nod and keep going cause I'm close too. Damnit a condom! It's fine.

"Regina we don't have a condom" I say and she doesn't answer before she cums around me and I shoot inside her. I've never heard her scream in bed but damn it was sexy. I go to slide out slowly but she grabs my wrist.

"Please don't move. I need a second." I nod and she keeps her eyes closed as her chest goes up and down with every breath. I move in and out slowly and she shudders under my touch and cums again. Damn.

"Ohhh you feel so good Emma" She says and arches off the bed when my thumb meets her swollen clit. "Papí no more" I don't listen and keep rubbing hard and I cum again along with her one last time. I slide out and lay next to her.


"I don't know if I can move right now Emma."

"Come on we are all sweaty. I'll pick you up. Please baby."

"Fine" She sits up and I grab her lifting her up. Her legs wrap around my waist and I peck her lips. She moves in with a loving kiss and smiles. I smile too and she moans. I push her again the bathroom door and slide my hands over her gorgeous body.

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