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Emma's POV

I roll out of bed literally. Today is the start of winter break. Our six month is coming up soon. I'm so happy with everything. I still haven't talked to my mom about what she said to Regina. I'm gonna go off. I'm not holding back. I need her to know how much she means to me. I really need her to know this.

"Emma breakfast." I groan and throw on a jacket. I go downstairs and see my mom and dad standing around the island eating. I grab my plate not saying a word.

"Morning dad."

"Morning Emma."

"What about me?"

"I don't wanna fight this early. I just woke up."

"Show some respect Emma!"

"You need to learn respect. Did you think she wouldn't tell me about the video mom. I can't believe you."

"What video Emma?"

"Don't lie to me. I saw it with my own two eyes Mary Margaret." Maybe I took it too far.

"Emma please." Dad says.

"You two really don't get it?"

"No!" My mom says.

"If you send that video out and Regina goes to jail. And she loses her job. And her kids. Her degree. Her life. If you break us up one more time I'm gonna kill myself." They both gasp. I don't know where that came from.

"If you do this to me again I'm gonna kill myself."

"Don't joke about that kind of stuff Emma" Dad says.

"I'm not kidding! You two don't see how much I love her! It breaks my heart to think my parents. My fucking parents don't want me happy. I don't care if she's my fucking teacher! God damn. I don't care about how wrong you think this is. I love her! Mom! Dad! I love her! I want to marry her. Live with her. I want her to have my kids. I wanna go to sleep with her every single night. If you try to break us up again. If you send out that video I will slit my wrists."


"No! Do you know how painful it is to think about not loving her everyday!" I'm now sobbing and I don't care.

"If you lost mom what would you do?"

"I don't even know Emma."

"Exactly! I may be 19 and she may be 25 but I know in my heart. Mom. She means everything to me! Everything!" I cry and tears keep falling.

"God I will kill my self if I can't have her. I will do it. And I won't think twice about it. I will take all the pills I can find. Do you not believe me?" I fall to the floor sobbing and screaming.

"Please guys. Just let me be happy. Have you ever seen me this happy? No. She makes me feel okay to be a girl with a penis. She loves me for that. It's not just sex to her mom. When I go over there we don't always have sex. We talk. We laugh. We watch my stupid cop shows. And she loves it. We talk about our future. I love her" I say.

"Fine. I'll give her a chance. One. That's it." My mom says and I look at her in surprise. She grabs her phone and shows me as she deletes the video. I stand up and wipe my face.

"We have to leave but we love you Emma."

"I'm not ready to say it back right now. I'm happy. Ecstatic that you accept this finally but I just. There's a lot of hurt both of you have put into my heart." They leave and I sigh leaning against the counter. I wanna look good for Regina today. I slept quickly before I take a shower. I shave and then wash my hair. I straighten it. It's normally wavy. I don't put on makeup cause that's just not me. I hate it. I put on a nice pair of jeans still sagging just so I'm not too tight in the crotch area. I put on a red and blue nice flannel. I have on Calvin Klein boxers on but I pull my shirt past my ass. I put in my stud earrings. I put on a blue pair of sneakers that match and then deodorant and cologne. I brush my teeth and then put on a silver watch and chain. I slide on my family ring. I clean up everything before there's a knock on the door. I see just Regina through my window. Aw the kids must be with her parents.

I go downstairs and then open the door. Her eyes rake over my body and she just stares.

"You look handsomely beautiful. Wow who are you trying to impress?"

"You. Duh" I pull her inside and push her against the door. Now it's my turn to ogle her. She's wearing a black tank top but it's like straight across her chest not a v-neck. With it tucked into a simple pair of jeans and paired with black and white checkered vans. I've never seen her so kid like. I mean she's only 25. And she's always so classy. Hair is is curled stopping right under her collar bone. She has a gold necklace on with stars and gold hoops. Light makeup and she has gold cute glasses on. She looks so good. I bite my lip and she giggles.

"You're so sexy my love."

"You're sexy too."

"I don't look this good. All you're wearing is jeans and a tank top and you look like heaven on earth."

"Okay stop it." I smile and grab her hand pulling her into the living room.

"Are your parents home."

"Oh don't even remind me."

"Are you okay?" I smile at her concern and nod.

"What happened then?"

"I told my parents that if they try to break us up again that... that I'm gonna kill my self." She gasps and I look down.

"Emma you can't say things like that. It's not funny or a good joke."

"I- I wasn't kidding Regina. I can't live without you. I broke down. I fell to the floor balling my eyes so much it started to burn. I've never cried that hard. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I love you too much to loose you again and I won't do it now. But without a single doubt I would have done it. If they break us up. I will kill myself." Tears fill my eyes.

"Please don't Emma. I won't loose you. We will find a way but you dying is not in our future."

"If they don't break us up then I won't. I'm serious Regina. I'm so fucking serious. I will do it in a heartbeat. And I guess that got to my mom. She deleted the video and said she's gonna give you one try."

"Wait really?"

"Yes. We can be together without worrying." She smiles and kisses me.

"I'm so happy." She says.

"But I'm pissed at you for saying that. But I love you." She smacks my arm playfully.

"I love you too."

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