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Emma's POV

I see a moving truck park outside her house and I run to Regina who's finishing dinner.

"They're here."

"Don't be nervous Miss Swan they will love you."

"Mhm I bet. Most parents hate me."

"Why?" She asks.

"Cause I look like fuckboy."

"What did I tell you about your mouth Swan!"

"I'm sorry baby. I'm trying but I can't help it." There's a knock on the door and I take a deep breath.

"Calm down" She laughs and I shake my head.

"Swan it's okay."

"I want us to work. I want this to work out. I want them to like me."

"If they don't it's their loss. Because I like you and that's what really matters."

"Okay." I peck her lips and she opens the door. I stand next to her my hand on her waist.

"Madre, padre y mis babies hi loves" Her face changes and she smiles leaning down. I keep my hand on her waist she picks each one at different times kissing them.

"This is my girlfriend Emma, come in please." They both come in and hand Regina Henry the smallest. He's so cute.

"Hi" I say smiling.

"It's nice to meet you" I say and Henry her father smiles.

"It's nice to meet you too. Regina's talked about you" Cora her mom says.

"Madre" Regina pouts and I rub her back pouting which makes her smile.

"We brought toys for them to play with. Emma could you help unload?" I nod and go outside. I see movers and they help bringing stuff in. After they are done. They leave and I helps set up their rooms with Regina. I did the heavy lifting and all the building she just decorated.

"Are you my new daddy?" Hope walks in asking.

"No I am mommy's girlfriend." I say getting down to his height. He's adorable. Hayden's so cute. All her babies look like her.

"What does that mean." Hayden says they are like speaking gibberish but I understand well.

"It means that I will protect her from bad people and love her for as long as she lets me. It means that I will never hurt her and always be there."

"Can you be our daddy."

"You have a daddy already." I say grabbing both their hands.

"But your with mommy so that makes you our daddy" Hope says smiling. She has dimples and short curly brown hair.

"It doesn't work like that okay." I say not knowing what else to say.

"Okay" Hayden says frowning. Aw. I kiss his forhead and walk in holding sleeping Henry's.

"What's wrong babies."

"You girlfriend not our daddy" Regina smiles and looks away from my prying eyes.

"No but she can be."

"Really?" Hope asks with well hope in her eyes.

"Not now but in the future I hope so" She looks at me and they smile.

"Go downstairs with your abuelos." They fun downstairs and I close Haydens bedroom door.

"If you keep speaking in spanish. I'm so hard right now" I say trying to calm down. I think of my parents doing it and I immediately go soft.

"You wanna hold him" I nod and he starts to wake up. He cries a little and I bounce him. His big brown eyes look into mine and I swear he smiled.

"Hi Henry, you're so cute" I whisper and he smiles again. I kiss his forehead and hold him up in my arms. He makes a noise and Regina comes behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. I smile and she kisses my cheek.

"Wanna put him down and go downstairs" I shake my head. I'll hold him. He's so light. She nods and we go downstairs. We sit on the couch and Regina brings our plates.

"Want me to hold Henry papí."

"No but thank you baby" I pucker my lips and she meets mine. She hums and I set my free hand on her face pulling her closer. She smiles and looks away.

She sits back and eats. I eat while holding Henry. I bounce my arm and he's still asleep.

"So how did you two meet." Henry asks and I look at Regina. All the kids are asleep in their room. Henry in his cot in Regina's.

"You can tell them baby" She gives me a death glare and I hold her hand.

"I'm her teacher."

"How old are you." Henry asks.

"I'm 19 almost 20" I defend.

"Do your parents know." Henry asks.

"Ugh kinda."

"What does that mean" Cora asks.

"We've been fooling around and her mom found my stuff and yeah."

"Ohhh" Cora blushes and I look at Regina who looks so embarrassed.

"Have you two said those special words yet."

"Mother we've only been together a little time!"

"Two months isn't that little."

"It is."

"Okay okay. Well I'm glad your happy and I'm glad you're making her happy."

"Me too. All I want is her happy" I look at Regina and a tear slips from her eye. I quickly wipe it away and kiss her forehead.

"I'm happy. Really happy Em" I love when she calls me Em. It's adorable.

"I'm happier. Trust me. I've wanted you forever. The second I met you."

"Took me while to realize I had the same feelings."

"You two are cute but if you want it to work. I suggest you tell your parents Emma." Cora says.

"I know but my mom's not the most accepting person. She freaks out a lot. She's so supportive but it takes her times. And she hates when I keep secrets from her. And the other stuff I just wish she would get off my back" I ramble and Regina puts her hand on my knee.

"What does off your back mean?"

"Well it's no secret that I have a male reproductive system and I got a surgery to remove my breasts. But I wanted this hair cut, I wanna wear boy clothes. I want tattoos. I don't want to wear dresses cause that's not me. She's always like 'why can't you wear makeup. Or do this or be more like a girl.m And I just don't want to be more like a girl. I tried and it makes me so uncomfortable. I hate it."

"Is she gonna be bad I took you to get a hair cut? I have a feeling she's gonna hate me" Regina looks down and I scoot closer and lift her face up. We are never really gentle with each other so this is new.

"Yeah but it's not your fault."

"I want you to feel comfortable."

"Thank you." She kisses my cheek which makes me smile. My girlfriend is my teacher.

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