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Emma's POV

I haven't talked to Regina in a week. She's pushing me away again. I'm fundraising a kissing booth to make some money for the school. We are in the football field and there are tents everywhere and thing everywhere. Some teachers have came by and donated money. It's only a dollar and I'm only doing cheek kisses for guys and for the girls lips. Cause I'm very gay. And I don't like men. I've made a lot of money so far. They have it up on a board and I'm winning. But Ruby is a close call with her cupcakes. No lie those shits are amazing. But Regina's cupcakes. Damn. Im not talking about the ones she makes either. 😉😉

"Miss Swan great way to make me mad. Sexualize it. You may have the girls and the boys fawning over you but it's not gonna work on me." She says and pouts.

"I'm only interested in one girl. You."

"You want sex and I don't like you."

"Want to keep telling yourself that?"

"Shut up." Some girl comes by and she's nice looking. Nothing like Regina but enough to make her jealous.

"Want to donate for a kiss. It's a good cause and I've been told I have great lips." I say smirking. I know Regina is boiling next to me. She's the one who said I did.

"Emma Swan, a kiss for a dollar. I was hoping your lips were worth more." She flirts.

"Can I have your number? After the kiss." I ask.

"Let's she how the kiss is first." She leans forward and I kiss her. She moans and I smirk biting down her lip and she moans again. I slip my tongue in roaming her mouth but it's nothing light Regina's. I pull away and she smiles.

"Wow. How about we see what else you can do after the fundraiser?" She winks and walks away. I look over at Regina who has her arms crossed.



"You're disgusting!"

"You like it and don't be mad at me. It's for a good cause."

"You're lucky were at school!"

"Just donate a dollar." I say and she puts a dollar in my cup.

"Now that kiss" I lean forward and kiss her softly. She pushes me the second my lips touch hers.

"Miss Swan and Miss Mills my office now." Gold says and I sigh. I follow Regina to his office.

"Both of you sit." I sit down and Regina sits crossing her perfect legs. My legs are open because of my dick.

"What I just saw was so inappropriate and so unprofessional. I should fire you right now Regina." I watch her face drop.

"Please don't I really do love my job."

"Having a private affair with one of your students is against the rules and illegal."

"I kissed her Mr Gold. I thought it was no big deal. I really didn't think anyone would care. Please punish me. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just wasn't thinking."

"Miss Mills our students love you. They adore you. And going to your class makes their day. I won't fire you but you both are suspended for three days. Starting tomorrow. I will have someone take over your booth after you finish in an hour" I nod and get up leaving. I hear heels clicking and I know she's behind me. I walk into her class room and then into the office. She closes and locks the door. I sit down on the couch and she stands pacing.

"Just yell at me you being quiet is freaking me out."

"You're an idiot! Kissing me in front of the whole school! I could have lost my job! I could be never get a job ever again if people knew I was fired for kissing a student! And an even bigger idiot for kissing that girl! And right in front of me! Could you be any more of an asshole?!"

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