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Emma's POV

"Is everyone okay?" Regina asks. We barricade the door and it's locked.

"Everyone sit against the wall. No talking." No one makes a sound at Regina using her authoritve voice.

"I'm going to kill everyone." I hear some guy yell. Someone calls Regina and her class phone goes off loudly. She quickly runs over and picks it up.

"Miss Mills class teacher speaking." Everyone watches her in curiosity.

"Okay. Got it." She hangs up and sits on the desk.

"Who was that Miss Mills?

"Mr Gold. The cops are on their way." Something is wrong with her. More shots go off and then people scream.

"Regina Mills!" The loud speaker goes off and I look around confused.

"Come out your room and I won't shoot anyone else." The voice sounds so dark.

"Miss Mills don't" Ruby says.

"If I don't more people are going to die. Why does someone want to kill me?" She asks herself. I walk over the Regina and she gives me a look.

"I can't loose you." I whisper.

"Innocent kids will die." She says.

"I love you Regina. We can't be over like this. It's too soon. I'm not letting you." There's a bang on the door and Regina jumps.

"Regina Mills!" The desk move and another shot goes off. The door breaks down and I see a guy in a mask.

"Where is she." She stands holding her hands up. Fuck!

"Nice to see you again."

"Percival?" Regina says.

"When the hell did they let you out?"

"Today. Come with me or I shoot the blonde first."

"I wish you fucking would." I spit.

"Don't shoot!" Regina yells.

"No Miss Mills don't go" A bunch of kids say.

"I'll be fine. He won't kill me" He walks to her and grabs her arm roughly.

"Still gorgeous."

"And you're still an perv" She snaps and he pulls her out the room.

Regina's POV

Percival was a great friend of mine. In high school. But turned out he liked me. He was in love with me. He had pictures of me sleeping. Naked. In the shower. Through my window. It was creepy. He was arrested and I guess he's now out. What to kidnap me? I will never love him.

He's still gripping my arm and he starts going outside. I turn my head and all my kids are following.

"Oh come to join us. Perfect." He says and Emma is leading it all. He walks outside still holding my arm tightly.

"Let her go!" A cop yells and he doesn't listen. My kids stand behind me. He lets go of me and I stand there confused.

"What do you want?"

"I want you to see this. I love you so much Regina."

"I don't love you." He points the gun to me.

"I don't and I never will!"

"Don't lie to yourself. You love me too. But if I can't have you. Then no one can." He says and grabs me again.

"Drop the girl and the weapon."

"I have armor on you idiots. Unless you shoot me in the head. You can't kill me. But you know who can" He looks at me.

"You're out of your mind."

"I will die in your name Regina Mills." I swallow. I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty terrified. He holds the gun to his head and shoots. I scream and put my hands over my mouth. He falls to the ground bleeding and people gasp and I just over my mouth is shock. I watch the police come running to me.

Emma's POV

Regina should be home soon. My parents are pissed and blame Regina for me almost dying. I don't care. The front door opens and I see Regina walk in. She looks up at me and I give a smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your kids are asleep. Showered. Fed. And I even read them a nighttime story. I wanted to bring your stuff from school and make sure the kids were okay. I made some pasta. There's left over in the fridge if you're hungry. I wanted to wait to eat for you."

"Thank you Emma." I pull her to me.

"I wanna tell you everything" She whispers against my neck. I push away the sexual feeling of her breath against my neck and remember what happened today.

"You don't have to."

"I want to." I nod and grab her hand. Her heels click against the floor and I reheat both our plates before we go into the living room. I sit next to her wrapping arm around her shoulder.

"I love you so much Emma." I look at her confused and she sets her plate down and then grabs mine setting it down.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I just love you. I know I'm closed off most of the time with my feelings a lot. But I love you and I appreciate everything you've done for me."

"I love you too Regina." Her breath hitches and I grab her face and stare into these brown eyes I have fell in love with.

"I know you love me and I know you love everything I do for you. Baby I know. Trust me I really know." She nods and I kiss her lips lovingly.

"What was wrong this morning? We really haven't talked or hung out in a little and I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"This morning?"

"Your mom has a video. That day when she said all those mean things to me and we had sex in the living room. There's a video. She said if I don't stay away. She's gonna send it to Mr Gold Emma."

"She wouldn't do it. If she does that she looses me for good."

"I'm going to go to jail. I'm going to be put on a list and not be able to live by schools. They're gonna take my kids from me forever."

"I won't let her do that."

"You can't stop her."

"Tomorrow can you come over? I know they gave you some time to just relax and stay home. My parents won't be there. Bring your kids. I just wanna be with you all day."

"Okay. They love you Em."

"I love them too."

"I'm scared." She whispers.

"Of what?"

"Loosing you" My heart shatters and I kiss her head.

"I can't even imagine my life without you. I don't know how I've gotten this far without you because I can't see myself not being with you. I see us years from now happily together still. I do. I want you forever Emma. There's always worries. That you'll find someone your own age. Younger and more free willed. Wants to have fun. Go out and get black out drunk. Who want to travel and do fun things. Instead of me but I don't think I could do this alone. I can't live with out you. I just can't do it." Tears form in her eyes and mine too. I blink mine away and kiss her lips.

"I feel like that sometimes. That you'll find a man with a job and a nice house. Who's 26. He's ready to settle down and have kids. He's mature and likes to talk about politics. But then I think about how you kiss me like it's the last time you ever will. Or you hug me like you never want to let go. When you just run your fingers through my hair. Or watch my stupid cop shows like it's the most important thing in the world."

"I actually really like your cop shows. I like you so everything you do is just amazing to me."


"I'm so in love with you; you could burp the alphabet and I would swoon." I laugh and kiss her nose.

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