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Emma's POV

I wake up with Regina in my arms and I smile. I feel the morning wood so I roll over onto my other sidelpp and try to calm down. We aren't having sex. She said this last night and I'm already breaking the rules. I feel arms around my waist and Regina is spooning me. She's so tiny it's so goddamn adorable.

"Baby what are you doing" I ask.

"You moved."

"I'm hard" She moves off and nods.

"I'll be in the shower." I say getting up. I watch her fall back against the bed.

I go downstairs to see Regina cooking. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist. She moans feeling me pressed into her back.

"Emma" She moans again and I smirk.

"Yes my love."

"Nothing" I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing and I move and watch her. I'm getting hard from watching her make food. What is sexy about this. What is turning me on? I need help.

"Here put something other than me in your mouth so we don't do anything stupid." She passes me the plate and I thank her before we get to eating.

"It's really good baby. Thank you for making breakfast." She nods and once we are done she cleans everything and we go to lay down in the living room. I spoon her and I'm getting even harder. Her breathing picks up and I see her eyes closed. She shifts trying to move away and I twitch. She jumps off the couch and I sit up.

"It hasn't even been a full day. What the heck is wrong with us?" She asks.

"How are we supposed to do this? Baby we can barely go a few hours without sex."

"I don't know but God. I can't take it. I really really wanna just hold off. I know it won't last forever but at least for a few months we can stop having sex I don't end up pregnant."


Mary's POV

David and I woke up a bit late. I go into the kitchen and then I hear them talking.

"Months?!" Emma yells but in a questioning tone. Not like she's mad or anything just surprised?

"Emma that's not a lot."

"Dude you're really fucking with me. I don't know if I can hold out for months baby."

"First I'm not your dude. And second watch your mouth." Regina says sternly. Emma sits up now fully with a boner. My eyes pop out of my head. That's something a mother never wants to see.

"How am I supposed to go to school with you and your tight skirts or sexy slacks. And low cut shirts. You're too hot. I can't focus. You're perfect. God I would get hard from seeing you in a god damn trash bag."

"Please I really want to do this. We can at least try Emma." What are they talking about?

"Regina how long do you mean?"

"Just a couple of months. Can you at least try for me? We need to slow down before I really do end up pregnant."

"I'm am trying! All I think about is having sex with you."


"Not like that baby. But we have sex multiple times a day this is like taking drugs away from an addict can't we just do it slowly. Like instead of four times we could do three? Until we ease off it."

"But we're still having sex Emma. There's no point then."

"Reginaaa" She whines.

"What about if we want kids one day. You can't have sex with me right after I give birth."

"But that's different you'll be in pain of course I won't. But you're not in pain and I want to give you pain. This is so hard Regina."

"I can see that."

"Not me! I'm gonna need another shower." Emma says running her fingers through her hair.

"Want me to come" Regina teases biting her lip.

"Please one last time before we can't for months."

"I don't think so."



"I'm gonna have blue balls in one second."

"You have a perfectly good, working hand."

"You have a perfect mouth." Regina flushes red and Emma grabs her hips.

"You know you want it."

"Your parents are here Emma. And sleeping for that matter."

"We've done it before."

"I was pissed off."



"You're gonna just have to be quiet" Emma picks Regina up.

"You're loud too. Don't blame it on me. We are not having sex!"

"Oh please."

"Shut up!"

"Make me."

"I'm about to you idiot."

"I'm your idiot."

"Yes you are." Soon I can't hear them anymore and I turn to David.

"They are like an old married couple."

"It's cute." He nods

Regina's POV

We get out the shower and no we didn't end up having steamy shower sex despite Emma's very best efforts. I'm proud. I put on some sweats and a black shirt.

"You okay papí?"

"Don't call me that Regina."

"Oh, you're? Sorry Em."

"You're so hot. Oh my god!" She throws herself onto the bed.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault you're so sexy."

"I feel terrible that I'm doing this to you."

"It's okay baby. I'll figure something out. I just need to stay calm and stop thinking about you naked. Bent over the counter. God!"

"We can make out?" I ask.

"It's gonna turn into something more."

"I can stop it before."

"No we are slowing down before you become pregnant. I can do this."

"I'm really sorry" I apologize.

"Baby this is what you want. In all relationships people have to sacrifice for the other person. I'll be fine."

"I just feel bad."

"Gina don't."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"Just come here" I straddle her and peck her lips. She kisses me and I deepen it pulling her neck and she grabs my ass and we stop.

"Fuck!" I laugh and she shakes her head.

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