chapter 3

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The next morning they had breakfast in the same place as yesterday, Poppy kept an eye out for Harrison and she couldn't help but be disappointed when she didn't see him.

"So where does everyone want to go today?" asked Beth

"Beach! Beach! Beach!" chanted Natalie and Kate

"That ok with you Poppy?" laughed Beth

Poppy nodded and was already planning which bikini to wear

They all got changed and arrived at the beach. Poppy had a quick look around and couldn't see Harrison but she hoped he was just somewhere else on the beach.

After a bit of sunbathing, Poppy offered to go and get everyone water so she walked to the nearest bar and ordered four bottles of water. Still looking around for Harrison, she made her way back to the beach and she saw a group of young girls taking selfies. They were probably a year or two older than her and laughing at something one of them had said. Poppy saw something fall out of one of their bags and ran to pick it up.

"Excuse me" she called after them as they started to walk off in the other direction

"Sorry, excuse me" Poppy said again as she tapped the girl who's bag it was on the shoulder and she spun round.

"This fell out of your bag" Poppy explained, handing her the small zip up leather wallet

"Oh my god!" shrieked the girl "You have literally saved my life there!"

Poppy smiled as the girl hugged the wallet to her chest

"This has all my money and my passport in it!" she continued to shriek "Can you imagine if I'd lost it all!"

"Bloody hell Kaz" laughed one of her friends "Why are you carrying it all around with you!"

"I thought it was safer than leaving it in the so called hotel we are staying in" she replied

"I'm Kaz by the way, Thank you so much, I owe you one" she said to Poppy.

"I'm Poppy and you're welcome" replied Poppy "Are you here on holiday too?"

"Backpacking" said Kaz "We go to Perth tomorrow and then who knows where our adventure will take us"

"Well have fun" laughed Poppy, a bit disappointed that they weren't sticking around for longer so she had people to hang out with

"You too and thanks again" said Kaz as they went their separate ways.

The rest of the day was spent in and out of the water but Poppy didn't see Harrison at all so was more than happy to go back when her Dad suggested they get an early dinner.

Deciding to put her hair up this time, Poppy chose to wear her new yellow dress she had bought on a whim when she had gone shopping with Sarah and wasn't brave enough to wear in the UK. Wearing her only pair of comfortable heels, she grabbed her handbag and went to wait for the rest of them outside.

"Errrrm that dress is a bit short Poppy" her Dad remarked as they all joined her

"Dad, don't be one of those Dad's ok!" said Poppy

"Leave it babe" said Beth, patting his arm

"Come on Beth, you can't think that is suitable" he complained "I mean there will be lads all over her!"

"Trust her remember" Beth whispered

"I'm not happy about this but fine!" he said eventually and they made their way to somewhere Beth used to go to a lot for what she called the best pasta in Bondi.

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