Chapter 12

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Poppy noticed the large cloud appear overhead and she sat up to have a look around. Many beach goers were leaving or had already left and Poppy wondered if it was worth staying much longer too.

"Where'd the sun go?" moaned Emma as she sat up too.

"You're already really brown don't worry" laughed Poppy

"I need to maintain it though" laughed Emma "Fancy packing up and going to the pub?"

Poppy nodded and they gathered their belongings, threw their sundresses back on and headed up off the beach.

"Oi! Where you two going" they heard Harrison shout

They turned towards the lifeguard tower and saw Harrison, Reidy and Chapo stood together at the bottom the steps so they walked over to them.

"We're just going to the pub" Emma told them

"Alright for some" laughed Reidy as he ran off to attend to an injured swimmer

"I'm nearly finished here so I'll join you in a bit if that's ok?" asked Harrison

"Sure" smiled Poppy

Poppy and Emma walked away in the direction of the pub and Emma sighed loudly.

"You ok?" asked Poppy

"I should have asked Chapo to come along too shouldn't I" she wailed

Poppy nodded and smiled at her new friend "Maybe we can arrange something for tonight and invite him"

"Really" said Emma, her face changing into a smile "That would be good yeah"

"Let's plan it now then" Poppy laughed as they walked inside the pub and ordered two beers.

"So come on" said Emma as they sat down at a table "Tell me how smitten you are with Harrison then"

"I've only known him a few days" laughed Poppy "Plus I'm not as lucky as you remember, I go home in a couple of weeks"

"Shame" sighed Emma "I reckon we'd have a right laugh if you were sticking around"

Poppy nodded and took a sip of her beer

"So are you like, trying to stop yourself from falling for him then" asked Emma "You know, because you're leaving soon"

"Trying to" replied Poppy "But he's so cute and so sweet and......." She sighed

"And don't forget that smile" added Emma

"Yes that smile" laughed Poppy

"I just have to keep reminding myself that this is a holiday romance, nothing more" Poppy said, before downing the remainder of her beer.

"Atta girl" laughed Emma as she did the same and they both burst out laughing

"How many have you two had" they heard Harrison laugh as he appeared at their table, with Chapo behind him.

"Oh hi you two" smiled Poppy

"Thought I'd tag along too if that's ok?" asked Chapo

"The more the merrier right Emma" said Poppy, raising her eyebrows at her, who smiled nervously

"Well I didn't want poor Emma to be a third wheel " Chapo smiled

"Awww thanks Chapo" smiled Emma

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