Chapter 7

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Poppy finished her shower, wrapped her air in a towel and put on some sweatpants and a vest top. Lying back on the large couch, she decided to reply to Sarah.

To: Sarah

From: Poppy

Subject: Pics attached!

How did it go with Mark??? Deffo sounds like a date to me! Woop woop!

Met up with Harrison (the lifeguard) last night and spent most of today with him too! And am meeting him later tonight!!! Have attached a pic of me and him after surfing today – yes surfing!! Who would have thought it eh!

Need to go get ready – I have no idea what to wear.

Miss you too

Pops xx

She pressed send and thought about getting something to eat when she realised she should have made sure there was some food in her cupboards before she told her Dad she'd be fine to eat alone.

Thinking this was a great opportunity to text Harrison she grabbed her phone again and found their previous message chat.

Hey Harrison, quick question – what is the best pizza delivery round here? Turns out I am fending for myself for dinner and I literally have no food in my apartment! LOL! As you were right about the hotdogs, I thought you'd be the one to ask which is the best pizza too? Poppy x

She felt quite brave as she pressed send and started drying her hair to occupy her mind from worrying if she'd done the right thing. She decided to straighten her hair too and when she was happy with it, she took a deep breath and checked her phone...........nothing from Harrison.

Feeling a bit silly, she sat on the couch and worried that she had just made a huge fool of herself, he probably thinks she's some crazy stalker who won't leave him alone now.  She jumped at a knock on the door and guessed it would be her Dad and the others getting back so she went to open it.

She smiled as she saw Harrison, with a large pizza box and an even bigger smile.

"Hope you're hungry" he said as she held the door open wider for him to walk inside.

"I didn't mean you had to go and get it" she laughed "I literally only asked you where I should order from"

"Well I know we weren't meeting till eight but when I saw the word pizza, I was suddenly starving so I thought, I know, take some to Poppy" he laughed

"Well thanks but you really didn't have to" she said as she found a couple of plates for them and put them down on the small table.

"No point us both eating alone" he smiled, opening the box to reveal a tasty looking pepperoni pizza and taking a slice.

"I guess you're right" she agreed "How much do I owe you?"

"My treat" he winked

"Thanks" she smiled "Oh, I only have water to drink though I'm afraid"

"I guessed that" he said as he pulled out two bottles of beer from a carrier bag he had brought with him.

"Well don't you just think of everything" she laughed as he handed her one of the bottles and she took a slice of pizza.

They chatted while they ate and Harrison told her a funny story about the day he rescued a man who had lost his swimming shorts and had to get on the board completely nude, which Poppy found hilarious.

"Well that certainly was good pizza" she said

"Glad you agree" he said as his phone bleeped

He looked at the message he had received and then at his watch

"Everything ok?" she asked

"Yeah, just Maxi" he replied "You ready to head out? He's gonna get the drinks in"

"Oh, err, yeah, course" she replied "What time is it?"

"Eight thirty" he laughed

"Oh, sorry, I totally lost track of time" she laughed

"Me too" he smiled at her

"I'll just get changed" she said, embarrassed as she realised she was still wearing her sweatpants and vest top.

"Ok, but you look great to me" he laughed

"I'll literally be one minute" she promised as she grabbed her favourite skinny jeans, blouse and her nude coloured heels and ran to her bathroom to get changed.

As she emerged from the bathroom, Harrison looked at his watch "Wow fifty eight seconds" he laughed.

"Come on" she laughed "Your friends are waiting"

They walked the short distance to the bar and Harrison placed his hand in the small of her back to guide her to where Maxi, Jake and a few other lifeguards Poppy recognised were sat at a large table.

"Hey, finally" cheered Maxi as he handed them both a beer each "Where have you two been?"

"Dinner" replied Harrison "Lost track of time buddy, sorry"

"So how was the surfing?"  Maxi asked Poppy

"Yeah, great" she replied "More fun than I expected it to be"

"That's Harrison for ya"  Said Jake as he joined in their conversation "Always more fun than you think he's gonna be"

Maxi, Jake and Harrison all laughed and Poppy smiled at their hysteria. They were definitely different from the boys back home.

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