Chapter 16

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Poppy ate breakfast with her family and for a change, she actually listened to her father while he told her about his night out in Bondi

"I think some of your lifeguard friends were in the same bar we were in last night" he said, gulping his coffee

"Oh god, you didn't speak to them did you?" Poppy asked, horrified

"I only went over and told them that they had better look after my baby girl properly when you're out with them" he replied as Poppy stared at him

"He's joking Poppy" laughed Beth as a huge smile crept across her Dad's face

"Your face then" he laughed "Even I wouldn't be that cringe"

Poppy laughed once her heart rate had returned to normal and she topped up her cup with coffee

"What are our plans today then?" her Dad asked

"I'm probably gonna go to the beach" Poppy replied

"Mind if we join you?" asked her Dad "Or would that be too traumatic"

"You make me sound like a right horrible cow" laughed Poppy "I'll probably be meeting up with my friend Emma at some point but yeah, of course you can join me"

They finished breakfast and got themselves ready to go to the beach.

Choosing her new white bikini which she felt comfortable wearing now her tan was coming along, Poppy grabbed sunscreen and her beach towel before going back for her wallet and phone and she decided to text Emma to meet up later.

Hey! Are you working today? Family have decided to come with me to the beach so will need rescuing later! Lol x

She pressed send, threw her phone in her bag and grabbed her sunglasses before going back next door to see if the rest of her family were ready yet. Beth was still trying to get her sisters ready and her Dad was making sandwiches, packing them into the large cooler box with lots of bottles of water.

Poppy sat on the couch to wait for them and heard her phone beep to tell her Emma had replied to her message

Hahaha yeah working this morning but should finish at 2pm :-D I'll let you know when I'm out and you can tell me where you are and I'll come and find you? x

"Finally ready" she heard Beth say as her sisters came running out of their bedroom and dove on top of her on the couch

"Will you take us swimming today Poppy?" Natalie asked as she hung around Poppy's neck like a monkey

"If the water isn't too dangerous then maybe" Poppy replied as she released herself from her sister's grip

They finally left the apartment and made their way to the beach which was the busiest Poppy had seen it so far.

"Wow, it's a busy one today" her Dad remarked, looking for somewhere to set themselves up

"Quick, there's a space over there" said Beth, pointing to a small gap on the sand not far from where they were stood.

They quickly lay out their towels and her Dad assembled a large umbrella so they had a patch of shade if needed.

"Can we go swimming now?" pleaded Natalie, hopping from one foot to the other in excitement

"You four go" suggested Beth "I'll stay here with our stuff"

"You sure honey?" said Poppy's Dad "It's boiling, don't want you getting heatstroke"

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