Chapter 28

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The next morning, Poppy woke early but feeling pretty happy and she smiled to herself as she thought over what Harrison had said last night. She noticed her phone notification light was flashing and she saw there was a message from Harrison on her screen.

Morning beautiful, thanks for hearing me out last night. I'm going to make your last week the best ever if you'll let me? I get off work at 1:00pm, I'll call you?? xxx

Poppy smiled to herself got out of bed and jumped in the shower. As she was finishing off drying her hair, she heard a loud knocking on her door. Opening the door, she found Natalie stood grinning at her.

"What do you want trouble?" Laughed Poppy as Natalie ran through the door and dove onto Poppy's bed

"Daddy's making pancakes but he said you wouldn't be awake yet" Natalie told her

"Pancakes!" cheered Poppy "Let's go then quick before Kate eats them all"

They hurried next door and were greeted with enough pancakes to feed most of the surfers in Bondi.

Once breakfast was finished, Beth asked Poppy if she had any plans for the day.

"Nothing till this afternoon really" Poppy told her

"We're going on a boat" Kate said excitedly

"Obviously you are welcome to join us" said Beth "But if you've made plans we understand"

"Thanks" Poppy smiled

"Are your plans with who I think it is?" she whispered

Poppy nodded and Beth raised an eyebrow suspiciously

"I know what I'm doing" Poppy reassured her

"Ok" Beth smiled "Maybe we'll see you later then"

Poppy said goodbye to her family and went back to her apartment. She decided to straighten her hair and was just about finished when her phone started ringing. Looking at her screen she saw it was Harrison calling and her stomach did excited somersaults.

"Hello" she answered

"Hey you" he replied "So Hoppo is letting me finish earlier"

"Lucky you" she laughed

"Sooooo" he said

"So...." She replied, teasing him

"I have a surprise for this afternoon if you're up for it?" he asked

"Depends what it is" she replied

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise would it" he laughed

Poppy finally agreed and Harrison told her to be ready in an hour and to dress smart casual, whatever that meant.

Poppy decided on a short, yellow, flare dress with matching wedge sandals and left her hair long and loose. Right on time, Harrison knocked on her door.

"Wow, you look amazing" he said as she opened the door

"Thanks" she smiled "So come on, where we going?"

"Your chariot awaits M'Lady" he smiled as he took her hand and led her down the steps to his car parked just outside.

Poppy realised they were heading into Sydney and wondered what he had planned, presuming a meal somewhere nice with what he had told her to wear.

Harrison eventually pulled into a parking space and turned the engine off

"So now will you tell me what we're doing?" she asked

Opening the glove compartment in his car, Harrison took out what looked like two tickets and handed them to her.

Poppy read them quickly and squealed with excitement when she saw that it was indeed two tickets, to watch "Hamilton" at the Opera House

"Harrison!" she gasped "I can't believe this"

"I remembered you said you saw it back in the UK and loved it so thought you'd probably like to see it again" he laughed

"Thank you" she smiled at him

"I know I stuffed up and I know this doesn't take it back but hopefully it shows you how sorry I am" he said, looking into her eyes.

Poppy nodded and kissed him, deciding to forgive him properly and promised herself she would simply enjoy the rest of her holiday with him.

They got out of the car, walked over to the Opera House and had a drink at the bar before taking their seats.

Poppy loved the show just as much as when she saw it the first time and she couldn't stop talking about it as they left.

Getting back in the car, Harrison suggested they had dinner back in Bondi and he called one of his favourite restaurants to make sure they had space for them.

They chatted like they always had on the drive back to Bondi and soon it was like nothing had happened.

Dinner was lovely and Poppy found herself falling for him all over again and it felt right.

They took a walk along the beach and then Harrison drove her home

"Thanks for agreeing to come today" he said as they pulled up outside her apartment

"It should be me thanking you" she smiled "I've had a great time"

"I just wanted to show you how much you mean to me" he started

"It's in the past ok" she whispered "Now are you going to walk me to my door?"

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