Chapter 6

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Poppy had set her alarm for fairly early the next morning so that she could perfect her beach look. She jumped out of bed and into the shower and decided to dry and curl her hair, trying for the effortless look beach waves that actually take ages to get right.

She was pretty happy with the end result and chose to wear an orange bikini with a white beach dress over the top, remembering to put her sunscreen, beach towel and sunglasses in her bag.

She scribbled a note to her Dad telling him that she would be out for the day and for them to go ahead and make plans without her. She might see them for dinner, but promised she would call later.

She pushed the note under her Dad's apartment door and checked her watch, it was 9:10am! Laughing at herself for being a bit too over keen she decided to go and get some breakfast to pass the time.

Relaxing at a small table outside one of the cafés, she got a coffee and a bacon sandwich, checked her emails and saw a reply from Sarah.

To: Poppy

From: Sarah

Subject: Re: Arrived!!!!

OMG! Those girls sound like total bitches! How lucky the hot lifeguard was there to rescue you though... LOL! If I've worked it out right then that means you will have met up with him by now?? How was it? I need a pic of him too BTW!

In other news, Mark has asked me to go for a drink after work tomorrow! Eeeek! I've asked around and it doesn't sound like he's asked anyone else to come with us so do you think that means it's a date?

Miss you lots like jelly tots.

Send me more gossip and some bloody pics for god's sake!

S xx

Poppy couldn't help but smile at her Sarah's email – she was so dramatic sometimes!

"Hiya" she heard a voice say and looking up, she saw it was Max

"Oh hi" she replied, putting her phone away

"You up to anything exciting today?" he asked, sitting opposite her

"Funny you should ask" she smiled "I am having a surf lesson with Harrison in about ten minutes"

"Really" he laughed "Good for you, everyone should learn to surf"

"Hmmmm, we'll see" she laughed

"Before you go, I wanted to say I'm sorry if Kaz being pissed off at me affected your night out the other night" he said sincerely.

"Forget about it" she assured him

"Thanks" he said "Come on, I'll walk over with you"

Arriving at the lifeguard tower, she could see a couple of the lifeguards she met last night inside watching the beach through binoculars and Harrison was at the bottom of the steps to the lifeguard tower talking to a tall lifeguard she hadn't seen before.

Harrison spotted her and he smiled and waved.

"Morning" he said cheerily as she reached him "I don't think you've met Maxi have you?"

The tall lifeguard smiled widely at her "Hi" he said "Ready for the Bondi surf experience then?"

Poppy smiled nervously and Maxi patted her shoulder

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