Chapter 20

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Poppy woke the next morning and smiled at Harrison sleeping next to her – he even looked gorgeous asleep!

She decided to have a quick shower and laughed to herself when she saw he was still asleep when she came out of the bathroom.

She put her bathrobe on rather than walking around in just a towel and noticed her phone was flashing to tell her she had a missed call. Opening her notifications, she saw that her Dad had phoned about 5 minutes ago but left no voicemail.

"Morning" she heard Harrison say

"Morning lazybones" she laughed, looking over at him, propped up on his elbow smiling at her.

"Everything ok?" he asked, nodding at her phone still in her hand.

"Yeah, Dad called but I missed it" she explained

"Probably wondering what you're doing today" he replied

Poppy nodded

"I was thinking about today actually" Harrison said

"Let me guess, you want to go surfing" Poppy sighed, rolling her eyes

"Actually, I was gonna suggest a barbeque in the park" he said, pulling a face at her

"Oooh, sounds great" she replied

"With your family" he added

"Ok, now not sounding so great" she sighed

"Just lunch" he laughed at her response "Then just the two of us all afternoon"

"Hmmm" frowned Poppy

"I just think I should meet them properly now that's all" he said

"Oh god, could you be any bloody sweeter" she sighed "How do I say no to that!"

"I promise, the afternoon will be just us" he said as he came over to her and pulled her into a hug

"Ok then" Poppy sighed with a smile

"I'll jump in the shower and you call your Dad then" he said

Poppy nodded but rolled her eyes

"Then we'll head to mine, I'll get changed and we'll go get the food" he said as he played with the belt tie on her bathrobe.

"No time for that now if you want me to call my Dad" she laughed as she tightened her belt tie and tapped her phone to call her Dad back as Harrison laughed and went into the bathroom.

"Hey Poppy" he said as he answered quickly

"Hey Dad, sorry I missed your call, I was in the shower" she explained

"We were all up early so went for breakfast without you sorry" he said

"No need to be sorry" she laughed

"What have you got planned for today?" he asked

"Funny you should say that, errrm do you all fancy a barbeque in the park for lunch?"She asked

"Ooh, that sounds interesting, what's the occasion?" he replied

"Errrm, it was actually Harrison's idea, you know, to meet you all properly" she explained "But you know, if you have other plans...."

"No plans at all, sounds great" her Dad replied

Poppy knew there was no way to get out of it now so she told her Dad where and when to meet them and agreed that he could bring drinks.

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