Chapter 27

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After a quick swim, they dried off and then Emma said she needed to go and visit her brother in hospital

"I'm gonna stay for a bit I think" said Poppy

"You sure?" asked Emma

Poppy nodded, feeling brave enough to stay there alone and they agreed to catch up later

Once Emma had gone, Poppy lay back and closed her eyes and the surrounding noises blended together as she switched off her mind.

"Poppy" she heard a voice say

She opened her eyes to see Chapo stood in front of her

"Oh hi" she yawned, sitting up "Sorry, I was nodding off there I think"

"We're finishing up now if you want a lift?" he asked, motioning to the buggy

Poppy thought about it for a few seconds then smiled and nodded

Putting her sundress back on and gathering her stuff, she joined Chapo in the buggy and they slowly drove along the beach towards the lifeguard tower

"So how are you?" he asked

Poppy shrugged but smiled at him

"I should warn you" he started

"Harrison's here isn't he" she guessed

"He's packing up just up there" he pointed

When Chapo brought the buggy to a stop, Poppy noticed another buggy coming towards them and she saw that Harrison was driving it.

He jumped out and came over to her as she got out of Chapo's buggy and her stomach did somersaults again.

"Please give me two minutes to finish up and then can we talk Poppy?" he pleaded

Poppy nodded and walked off the beach to wait for him

True to his word, Harrison joined her quickly and they smiled at each other awkwardly

"Can we go for a drink?" he asked

Poppy nodded and they walked to the nearest pub in silence

"Beer?" he asked as they sat down and she nodded again as he went to the bar to get them

He brought the drinks back and put one in front of her

"Thanks" she said quietly

"Was worried you were gonna stay silent there" he joked

Poppy half smiled, then felt annoyed with herself that he had made her smile

"So thanks for hearing me out" he said nervously

Poppy shrugged

"So I really wanna say that I'm sorry for the other night" he said

"One minute we were having a laugh, eating pizza, you were gonna stay the night and then the next minute you were ending it" she said, feeling herself getting emotional.

"I know, I just realised how much I liked you and I panicked, I was an idiot" he explained

"No arguments there" Poppy replied

"Look, I hate the fact that we haven't spoken since" he said, looking at her intently

"Well I guess I haven't got long left here so I want to keep my friends around me" she said

"Friends.....yeah" he said, looking disappointed

"You said yourself it was for the best" she reminded him

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