Chapter 14

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The next morning, Poppy woke early so she decided to get up and see if her family were around. She picked up her phone from the bedside table and pressed her Dad's name in the contacts list, it rang but he didn't answer. She decided to get dressed go round to their apartment instead.

She dressed, ran a brush through her hair and went next door, knocking softly.

After a few seconds, the door opened cautiously and Beth peered out

"Oh hi love" she said, surprised "Wasn't expecting to see you so early, nobody else is awake yet"

"Yeah, me either" Poppy laughed as Beth held the door open for her to enter the apartment.

"Everything ok though?" Beth asked as she flicked the kettle on and put a teabag in a cup for Poppy

"Yeah" nodded Poppy as she sat at the large dining table "I just woke up early for some reason"

"Me too" smiled Beth "Bondi does that to you after a while, it's almost like your brain doesn't want you to miss anything"

Poppy smiled and nodded as weirdly, that comment made sense to her

"So we were going to visit some old friends of mine today" said Beth as she finished making Poppy's tea and handed it to her.

"Mmmm" replied Poppy

"Obviously you are more than welcome to come with us but I figured you probably wouldn't want to" said Beth

"I'm meeting Emma for lunch" replied Poppy "But thanks" she added quickly

"No problem" smiled Beth "We were thinking of going out for about seven tonight if you're still ok to babysit the girls?"

"Yeah seven is fine" nodded Poppy

"Well I'll make sure the girls are fed and ready for bed" said Beth "They probably won't actually go to bed till you get here though but as long as they are in bed no longer than eight then that should be ok"

"I'll be fine" said Poppy

"I'm really looking forward to it" said Beth as she took a sip of her tea "Once you have kids you never really get to go out anymore"

Poppy nodded but said nothing and they sat in awkward silence for what seemed like forever until Poppy's Dad appeared

"Morning" he sang as he smiled to see Poppy sat there and he joined them at the table "You had breakfast yet Pops?"

Poppy shook her head

"Shall I wake the girls and we can go to that café we like?" asked Beth

Poppy and her Dad both agreed and Beth disappeared in the direction of the bedrooms

"You're up early" her Dad teased

"I don't lie in bed till midday every day Dad" Poppy laughed

"Being in Bondi obviously suits you" he laughed

Poppy's sisters were up and ready quite quickly and they headed out to the café.

Sitting down at their favourite table, they ordered some breakfast and coffees and Poppy looked out towards the beach

"You'll miss it" said her Dad as he watched her

"Yeah I guess" she agreed

"The people too right?" he added

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