Chapter 15

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The next morning, Poppy woke and smiled as she thought of last night. She turned over, hoping he was till there and smiled again as she saw Harrison fast asleep next to her. She watched him for a few seconds before she put on her robe and crept out of bed to quickly run a brush through her hair. As she was checking her face for mascara smears, she heard Harrison stirring from his sleep.

"Morning you" he murmured sleepily and she turned to smile at him

"Morning" she replied

"What you doing?" he asked

"Nothing" she lied "Just woke up and didn't want to disturb you"

"Are you coming back to bed?" he asked, smiling at her

"That depends on what time you have to be in work?" she replied

"Shit! You're right" he sighed, checking his watch "I should go really and get ready for my shift"

Poppy climbed back on the bed and lay next to him and cuddled up to him, laying her head on his bare chest

"So last night was ok then?" he asked

"It was great" she smiled

"Good" he whispered

They lay together for a few minutes until Harrison checked his watch again and sighed

"I know, I know, you have to go" Poppy laughed as she sat up and let him go

"Is the coast clear out there?" he asked as he got dressed hastily

"Hang on" she said as she opened her door slowly and stuck her head out to listen

"Can't hear or see anyone" she told him "But they are usually up and about at this time so we need to be careful"

"I'll call you later when I finish work?" he asked, kissing her and holding her tightly

"You'd better" she smiled

Poppy listened out again for anyone next door and as she nodded at Harrison, he made a run for it, blowing her a kiss as he ran, making her laugh.

Poppy went back inside her apartment and smiled to herself. Her phone bleeped and she picked it up from the bedside table to see a message from Harrison

Think I got away unseen! Lol! Have a great day, can't wait to see you later xxx

Poppy replied with

You were like a ninja! Lol! Can't wait to see you later either xxx

Poppy then opened her emails and saw that Sarah had replied

To: Poppy

From: Sarah

Subject: Re: Sorry for late reply

Yes you are a bad BFF! Only joking babes, I know you are having the time of your life over there so I forgive you :-D

I am soooooo over Mark now! He isn't actually that fit after all you know! Lol!

New guy has started at work – his name is Jason and he is much better looking than Mark! Hahahaha! And he has actually asked me out for a drink after work tonight – definitely just me and him so fingers crossed its not to set me up with someone else hey!

So get you being all rebel like and inviting your hot holiday squeeze round when it's against the rules. What happened then? Did you get away with it?

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