Chapter 32

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Poppy woke the next morning feeling so much better and smiled as she heard Harrison singing in the shower. She stayed where she was until she heard Harrison turn the shower off and sat herself up when he appeared in the bathroom doorway.

"Morning" he smiled "How you feeling?"

"Better" she smiled back "Are you working today?"

"This afternoon" he nodded "Sorry, I couldn't find anyone to cover"

"Don't be daft" she smiled "Hoppo isn't going to pay you while you babysit me is he"

"I call it spending time together, know" he said sadly

"How about I spend the afternoon on the beach?" she suggested

"Really?" he asked, surprised

"Well I know you won't be able to talk but it's better than nothing" she replied

"No, it's great, I just didn't think you'd want to go back to the beach after what happened" he said

"Well I'm probably not going to be surfing again anytime soon but you know how much I love sunbathing" she laughed

"True" he laughed

Poppy got dressed and phoned her father to let him know where she was going and they agreed that she would probably see them later on.

As they walked to the beach hand in hand, Poppy felt incredibly sad that this was one of the last times she would be able to do this and she took in her surroundings more than she ever had before.

"Poppy! Poppy!" she heard someone calling her name

As she turned around, she saw Emma running towards her and she grabbed her to hug her tightly

"Easy Em" laughed Harrison

"Sorry" Emma smiled "I've been so worried"

"Well there's no need, I'm fine" Poppy assured her

"Where you off to anyway?" Emma asked

"Harrison's working so was just gonna perv on him all day" laughed Poppy

"Mind if I join?" asked Emma "Not the perving on Harrison part obviously!" she added with a laugh

"Hey, everyone is welcome to visually enjoy me" laughed Harrison as Poppy shoved him playfully.

Harrison left them to go to the lifeguard tower and Poppy and Emma found a spot just behind a rhino that Whippet and Maxi were stationed on.

"Hey!" shouted Maxi "You ok?"

Poppy smiled and gave him the thumbs up and he did the same in return and turned back to watching the water.

They relaxed into their sunbathing but Poppy sat up when she heard someone sit down next to her.

Aww, I was gonna give you a fright" laughed Jake

"Gotta be good to get me" laughed Poppy "You starting work or finishing?"

"Finishing" he replied "But these waves are too good to go home"

"You surfers" laughed Poppy

"Got any big plans before you desert us then?" he asked

"Haven't really thought about it" she replied "Don't really want to think about it"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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