Chapter 8

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Poppy was sensible enough not to try and keep up with the lifeguards when it came to drinking beer, they could certainly drink a lot!

"Who's ready for another?" yelled one lifeguard she had been introduced to as Bacon

Everyone was clearly ready for another but Poppy shook her head as Bacon pointed at her

"I'm fine thanks" she smiled "Still got this one"

"Down it then" Bacon winked at her

"I'm fine honestly" she laughed

"I'll have an OJ" Harrison said

Bacon, Jake and Maxi all turned to stare at him

"Errrm, what's that now?" laughed Bacon

"I'm on the early shift tomorrow" replied Harrison "Plus me and Hoppo are on set up so I can't go in stinking of beer can I"

"Sensible as ever" said Maxi, patting Harrison on the back "Good man"

As the night went on, Poppy was enjoying herself but the music and chatter was really loud and she had started to feel a bit tired. She looked at her watch but it wasn't even midnight yet, going home now would make her look like a total loser.

She noticed Harrison caught her when she tried to stifle a yawn and he put a hand on her shoulder to speak into her ear so she could hear him better

"You ready to go?" he asked

Poppy nodded

"Come on then" he smiled at her as he put his jacket on

"No, no, you stay" she replied "I'm fine to get home, honestly, don't leave early for me"

"I'm more than ready to leave" he assured her "Besides, you're better company"

Poppy blushed and smiled and started to say goodbye to everyone.

"I'm having a party at my place tomorrow night" said Jake as he hugged her tightly "I'd love it if you came along"

"That's really nice of you Jake" she said, feeling really touched that he would invite her.

"Hold on" he said as he reached for a paper coaster from the table and a pen from a passing barman and started to scribble something on the coaster.

"Here's my address" he said, passing her the paper coaster "Although I'm guessing Harrison won't let you come alone" he added with a drunken whisper and a wink.

"Thanks Jake" she giggled "I'll be there"

"Anytime after eight ok" he yelled after her as she left with Harrison guiding her through the crowded bar.

"So thanks again for today.......and tonight" she said as they walked.

"You really need to stop thanking me Poppy" he laughed "You're always saying thank you"

"Am I?" she laughed

"Yep" he nodded "Look, it isn't part of my job or something I feel like I have to do ok, I actually like spending time with you" and he stopped walking and stood still.

Poppy also stopped and stood still and turned to face him.

"I like spending time with you too" she smiled, looking up at his smiling face.

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