Chapter 13

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Harrison dropped Poppy off at her apartment and they arranged to update each other when they knew what time they would be finished.

Poppy climbed the stairs and could hear from outside the door that her family were home due to the sound of her sisters shrieking laughter.

She turned to go straight inside her own apartment but thought better of it and knocked next door instead.

"Poppy!" exclaimed Beth as she opened the door "We were just wondering where you were" and she opened the door for Poppy to walk inside.

"I was just checking if you guys were back yet" replied Poppy "Thought we could have dinner together?"

"Your Dad will love that" smiled Beth "We were just choosing a takeaway actually so you're just in time"

"Look, Poppy's made it for dinner" said Beth as they walked into the kitchen where Poppy's Dad and sisters were having a mock sword fight with balloons.

"Hooray!" cheered Natalie and Kate in unison as they both clattered their Dad with their balloons and he performed an incredibly dramatic fake death on the floor.

"We won, we won"  her sisters cheered as they climbed on top of him while he was on the floor. Poppy smiled but felt that familiar pang of jealousy and then silently scolded herself for being so childish.

"Your big sister used to beat me all the time when we played this game too"  her Dad laughed as he got up from the floor and came over to Poppy and ruffled her hair.

Poppy smiled back at him and didn't push him away this time

"So what are we ordering then?" she asked

"Pizza?" suggested Beth

"YEAH!" shouted Natalie and Kate

"Or something else if you'd prefer?" Beth asked Poppy

"Pizza's fine" replied Poppy "I'll just go and get changed while we wait for it to arrive"

Poppy hurried next door, had a quick shower and changed into her jeans and a simple white shirt, then feeling it might get cold later, she grabbed a thin jacket and headed back next door.

"Perfect timing" her Dad said as he opened the door "It's just arrived and I was just about to come and get you"

"I can always sense when food is ready, you know that" Poppy laughed as they all sat down at the table and grabbed the slices of hot pizza hungrily.

"So, you off out again tonight?" her Dad asked

Poppy nodded, ready for the disapproving looks and questions. But they didn't come.

"I'm really glad you are enjoying yourself" he continued, with a genuine smile on his face

"Thanks" Poppy replied, a little suspiciously

"Bondi must have a great nightlife" Her Dad said "I feel like I'm missing out"

"Sorry, but are you asking if you can come out with me coz......." Poppy started before he interrupted her

"Good god no" he laughed "We were wondering if you would maybe consider babysitting your sisters one night so me and Beth could go out?"

"I guess so" replied Poppy, feeling a little guilty, realising it was something she perhaps should have offered before now.

"Obviously whenever is suitable for you" he smiled "I just want to see what all the fuss is about"

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