Chapter 17

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They both lounged around on the sand for the rest of the afternoon and gradually more and more visitors left the beach until there were only a handful of people left. Poppy was sitting up looking around when she spotted a lifeguard buggy speeding towards them. Looking closely, she noticed Harrison, Chapo and Jake were aboard and waving at them madly.

"Incoming" she warned Emma as she nudged her arm

"What" muttered Emma, slightly confused "Oh no, is my hair all over the place?"

"No, it looks fine" Poppy assured her

"Have you seen the surf?" shouted Harrison as the buggy came to a stop just in front of them

"Oh wow" said Poppy as she looked towards the water to see the biggest waves she had ever seen "I'm guessing that's why everyone has disappeared"

"Wimps!" laughed Jake "We are almost finished so Hoppo says we can go for a surf while it's this good"

"Well enjoy" laughed Poppy

"You don't wanna come with us then?" said Harrison, winking at her

"Hahaha nope!" laughed Poppy

"What about you Em?" asked Chapo

"I'll give it a miss thanks" she smiled "I quite like my bones as they are, as in not broken"

The three lifeguards climbed back in the buggy and raced to the lifeguard tower, coming back out seconds later with a surfboard each.

Poppy and Emma laughed as they watched them run excitedly towards the water and as they started to surf, they were soon joined by Maxi and Jesse.

"Don't they make it look easy" sighed Emma

"So surfing doesn't run in the family then?" laughed Poppy

"Nah, my brother definitely took all the surfing genes in our family" laughed Emma "He's got a competition tomorrow actually, shame it isn't local or we could have gone to watch him"

"Is it too far?" asked Poppy "I don't mind keeping you company if you want to support him"

"Awww thanks" smiled Emma "Its miles away though, he's had to set off this afternoon and stay there overnight. I'll call him later and wish him luck though"

Poppy and Emma watched the boys surf for a while longer until they both got bored

"I've just had a great idea" grinned Emma

"Oh no" laughed Poppy

"Hey!" laughed Emma, pretending to be offended

"I'm only joking, go on" laughed Poppy

"How about an impromptu dinner at mine tonight?" she replied

"Oooh, sounds good" nodded Poppy "Who are you inviting?"

"Well obviously Chapo, you and Harrison and whoever is still out there surfing I guess" she replied, squinting her eyes to try and count how many lifeguards were still around.

They counted Jake, Maxi and Jesse and made their way down to the water to try and get someone's attention.

Luckily, Chapo had caught a fantastic wave and was surfing towards them at top speed. He smiled at them both as he jumped off his board and Emma managed to shout her plan to him. He nodded to indicate he had understood and they both agreed that the boys would stay out surfing for as long as they wanted but would give Emma at least half an hours notice so she could start getting dinner ready.

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