Chapter 19

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As they made their way to meet Emma and Chapo, Harrison took hold of her hand and they looked at each other with a smile.

"So my day off that I mentioned" he said

"Don't say you haven't got it anymore?" she asked

"No, I've still got it" he smiled "It's just that it's been changed to tomorrow"

"Oh" replied Poppy "And is that a problem?"

"Not for me" he said "But I figured it was maybe a bit short notice for you, in case you've got stuff planned with your family or something?"

"Nope, no plans" she smiled

"That's lucky" he laughed

They arrived at the bar and couldn't see Emma or Chapo so they picked a table and ordered a pitcher of beer with four glasses.

"How was work today anyway?" asked Poppy

"Busy actually" he frowned "Lots of tourists who couldn't swim"

"I do wonder why people who can't swim choose Bondi as the place to try it" laughed Poppy

"Me too" he laughed

Emma and Chapo arrived, apologising for being late, they all started drinking and Chapo told a joke he had heard from an Irish tourist, making them all laugh.

A local band had set up and was starting to play songs that Poppy recognised. People began to dance in the middle of the bar and Poppy laughed as Harrison started doing some strange arm movements along with the music.

They had a fun evening filled with drinking and dancing and all too soon it was time to go home

"Oh I have had a great night" sang Emma as she hugged Poppy goodnight

"Me too" laughed Poppy

"We're going away for the night tomorrow but we'll catch up the day after yeah?" said Emma

Poppy nodded, hugged Chapo goodnight too and the two couples went their separate ways

Pulling her into his side as they walked, Harrison kissed Poppy on her head "So am I staying at yours again tonight now your Dad knows and he didn't kill me?"

"Yeah" laughed Poppy "We need to make a plan for tomorrow anyway"

They walked quietly up the steps to her apartment as it was so late and once inside, Harrison jumped backwards onto her bed with a smile.

Poppy smiled back but turned away and filled a glass with water, drinking it slowly she giggled when she heard Harrison clear his throat with a little cough.

"What?" she asked before going back to drinking her water again

"I'm lonely over here" he said, pulling a sad face

"Hydration is very important to me" she smiled

"Are you trying to tease me" he laughed, getting up from the bed and marching over to her

"No" she laughed as he tickled her

"Shhhhh, it's late you know" he whispered

"Me?" Poppy laughed as she finished her water and put her empty glass down "Do you know how annoying you are"

"You love it though right" he smiled as he picked up her in one swift movement and carried her across the room, gently dropping her onto the bed

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