Chapter 23

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Emma had somehow convinced Poppy that cocktails were a good idea to help with the shock but after the third or possibly fourth one, Poppy was beginning to regret it.

"Do you know Poppy........" Emma slurred

"What?" Poppy replied

"I'm gonna be sooooooo sad when you leave" Emma wailed, getting emotional

"Don't be sad Ems" said Poppy "I'll be sad enough for the two of us"

As they grabbed each other for a drunken hug, they heard Chapo and Harrison laughing

"Time to get you two home I reckon" laughed Chapo

"Yep" agreed Harrison "No more booze for you"

They hugged the remaining lifeguards goodbye and headed outside

"Back to mine for a party?" cheered Emma

"I think its bed time" laughed Chapo

"You have a one track mind Christopher" giggled Emma

"For sleep" laughed Chapo

They all hugged goodnight and went their separate ways

Harrison took Poppy's hand as they walked in silence

"You're not mad at me are you?" Poppy asked, confused as to why he was so quiet

"Why would I be mad at you?" he laughed

"Coz I'm really drunk" Poppy replied "And my friends say I'm really annoying when I'm drunk"

"Well I don't think I'll ever find you annoying" he smiled

"Maybe you've had too much to drink too then" she giggled

They arrived back at Poppy's apartment and Harrison filled her kettle with water and switched it on

"Cup of tea before bed?" he offered

Poppy smiled and nodded and walked out onto her balcony. Sitting in one of the chairs, she looked out at Bondi and smiled at how amazing it looked, even in the dark.

"You aren't feeling crook are you?" asked Harrison as he joined her with two cups of tea and sat down.

"No" she smiled "Just want to look at it all while I can"

"Didn't know you were sentimental" he smiled back at her

They stayed on the balcony, drinking their tea, talking about themselves and Poppy realised how much she loved listening and finding out more about him

"What time are you in work tomorrow?" she asked after a while

"Not till the afternoon" he replied

"Good" she smiled "So you're gonna stay over again tonight right?"

"If you're asking" he winked

"Do I need to ask?" she laughed

"Nope" he laughed "Just didn't want to presume"

"What a gentleman" she smiled

"I know" he smiled back "Not many of us left are there"

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