Chapter 31

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The next time Poppy opened her eyes it was daylight and she smiled at the nurse who was writing something on her chart at the end of her bed.

"Morning" the nurse smiled "Your handsome lifeguard is around somewhere, I think he went to get coffee"

"Sounds about right" Poppy laughed but started coughing

"Take it easy" the nurse said "You'll probably still feel a bit out of it for a few days"

"We're supposed to fly home in a few days" said Poppy "Do you think I'll be able to?"

"Yeah, you'll be fine" she assured her "Don't know if that's what you wanted to hear though"

Poppy smiled weakly, she wasn't sure either.

Harrison appeared in the doorway with a beaming smile when he saw she was awake

"I wanted to see you before work" he explained "Your Dad's on his way to pick you up"

"Can I go today?" Poppy asked the nurse

"Just need Doctor to check you over and agree you can go" nodded the nurse "My checks are all good though so I don't see any reason why they won't"

"I was thinking I'd come round to yours after work later" Harrison said as he held onto her hand again "If you don't want me to then it's ok though"

"Of course I want you to" she smiled

A doctor came into the room and began looking at Poppy's chart "Good morning" she smiled "How are we today?"

"I feel ok actually" replied Poppy

"Any coughing?" she asked

"A bit" admitted Poppy, worried that it would mean she had to stay in hospital longer

"Well I'm happy for you to go" The doctor said as she listened to Poppy's chest with her stethoscope "Just promise to take it easy"

"Great news" said her Father as he entered the room "We go home to the UK in a few days though doctor, will she be ok to fly?"

Harrison squeezed Poppy's hand, his face full of sadness

"Oh yes, she should be fine to fly" The doctor assured him before she signed the relevant forms and said goodbye.

"I better head off to work" said Harrison "But I'll see you later"

He kissed her forehead and shook her Father's hand as he left the room

"Let's get out of here then" said her Father, handing her a bag with some clothes in "I'm just going to thank all the Doctors and Nurses again"

Poppy changed out of her hospital gown and into the jeans and t-shirt her father had given her. She looked around the room for something to check her reflection in as she dreaded to think what her hair was doing right now.

She couldn't see anything she could use as a mirror and as her Father hadn't thought to pack her a hairbrush, she ran her fingers through her hair a few times and re-tied it up in her hair elastic.

"Ready?" said her Father as he walked back into the room

Poppy nodded and thanked the nurses again as they walked out into the corridor and towards the exit.

Walking outside into the warm sunshine, Poppy breathed in deeply and smiled

Her Father drove back to the apartments and Poppy laughed as she saw her sisters and Beth outside holding balloons.

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