Chapter 26

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Poppy woke the next morning feeling less hungover than she was expecting. She slid out of bed and got straight in the shower and felt much better after she was dried and dressed. She left her apartment and went next door and her father opened the door, looking surprised to see her.

"Good morning" she smiled at him

"Lovely to see you" he smiled back "You here for breakfast?"

"Sure" she replied, walking in and sitting down

"How are feeling today?" he frowned

"A little delicate but ok" she replied

"Ah Poppy" said Beth as she walked into the kitchen "We weren't expecting to see you this early, how are you?"

"Guys I'm fine, honest" Poppy sighed "All that's happened is some boy who I've known for five minutes has dumped me"

"We know you liked him though" said Beth

"Hey, it happens" Poppy smiled "But I am not going to let this ruin the rest of our holiday ok"

"That's my girl" her Father grinned "How about a full English to get us going"

While Her Father and Beth made breakfast Poppy texted Emma to see how her brother was

Hey hun, just checking in – how's your brother? Call me if you need me xx

As she pressed send, her phone started to buzz in her hand. Looking at the screen she saw that Harrison was calling. Her stomach did summersaults as she quickly pressed "decline" and put her phone on the table.

"Girls! Come on! Breakfast is nearly ready" Beth called for Poppy's sisters who immediately came charging into the kitchen and hugged Poppy tightly

"Morning double trouble" laughed Poppy

They ate breakfast and Poppy's father asked her if she wanted to join them at the beach

"Maybe later" Poppy shrugged "I should really see how Emma and her brother are"

"No worries, if you feel like it then you know where we'll be" her father smiled

Poppy decided to go back to her apartment as the rest of her family were now more or less ready to go out, promising them she would call if she decided to join them at the beach. As she lay on her bed, she decided to email Sarah.

To: Sarah

From: Poppy

Subject: Bestie pep talk needed!


So it seems my whirlwind romance is over! Long story short, Harrison has decided that I'm not what he wants so that's that I guess. Am pretty angry with myself for getting carried away about a holiday fling so I need you to give me one of your pep talks!

I've done the crying stage and the alcohol stage so now just need to put on my big girl attitude and enjoy the rest of my holiday right!

Speak soon

Poppy xx

PS. Don't be nice or I'll cry again

Pressing send, she decided she wasn't going to sit indoors all day but she still wasn't quite ready to run into Harrison. As she thinking over her options, her phone started to ring and checking the screen, she saw it was Emma.

"Hi" she answered

"Hiya" replied Emma "How you doing today?"

"Never mind about me, how's your brother?" said Poppy

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