Chapter 5

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Poppy woke the next morning to the sound of her mobile ringing loudly

"Hello" she croaked sleepily as she answered it

"Wakey wakey Poppeeeeeee" sang Natalie and she started giggling

"Ok Nats, give me the phone now" she heard her Dad say

Poppy sat up and tried to open her eyes again

"Good morning sunshine" her Dad said down the phone

"Morning" she replied "What time is it?"

"Time for breakfast, we're making a full English and it will be ready in less than five minutes so you'd better get over here before your greedy sisters eat it all" he laughed

"Ok" she replied, hung up the phone and dragged herself out of bed. She couldn't be bothered getting dressed so she went next door in her pyjamas and knocked on the door.

"Morning" Beth said as she opened the door and Poppy walked in

"Morning" muttered Poppy and she went to sit at the table where her Dad was putting plates full of bacon, eggs and sausages down.

Good night last night? Her Dad asked as they started eating

"Yeah it was ok" she replied

"Those girls leave today though don't they?" he asked

Poppy nodded

"So did you make any new friends instead?" he asked

"Yeah I suppose so" she replied

"And am I going to get any more information?" he smiled

Poppy sighed "Ok but you can't go mad coz it sounds worse than it was ok"

She told him everything that had happened last night and saw the worry in his face when she told him the girls had left her on her own. His face changed to relief when she told him about Harrison helping her get home though and he seemed to like the sound of him.

"So we've been thinking about what to do today" Her Dad said when they had finished breakfast "Now you don't have to come with us if you don't want to but I've hired a car and we're thinking of going for a drive out"

"Come with us Poppy, pleeeeeeeeease" said Kate

"Where are you thinking of going?" Poppy asked, smiling at Kate

"Sydney Harbour probably" her Dad replied "It's a good place as any to start"

"Hmmmm" Poppy pondered

"Pleeeeeeeeeease" Natalie and Kate sang together as they hugged her from either side

"Ok, ok" Poppy laughed and they cheered loudly.

Poppy went back to her apartment to get changed and they arranged to leave in the next hour. Grabbing her bag, she met the others outside by the car where her Dad was tapping at a SatNav and Beth was trying to get hers sisters in the car. Eventually they were ready to set off and Poppy helped to keep her sisters entertained by playing games of eye spy throughout the journey.

They walked around the harbour and visited the opera house and Poppy took lots of pictures as it was so beautiful. They decided to stop for a picnic in the botanical garden and Poppy took out her phone to start posting some of her photos on social media. As she was looking through her pictures deciding which ones to post first, she received a text message from a number she didn't know.

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