Chapter 24

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The next morning, Poppy woke to a thumping headache and she screwed her eyes up at the incredible brightness filling her apartment.

"Hung-over much?" she heard Harrison giggle from somewhere across the room

"Why is it so bright" she said, putting her pillow over her head "Close the blinds"

"Come on!" he said loudly, jumping on her bed and pulling the pillow away

"Go away" she groaned "Let me die in peace"

"You know what will sort you out" he said

"Not in the mood" she replied

"No, not that" he laughed "I mean a swim"

"Urrrrgh" she replied

"Trust me" he said, pulling her out of bed "I promise you can have coffee too"

Poppy eventually got ready and they made their way to the beach

"Coffee first" she insisted

Drinking their coffee on the beach, the fresh air actually started to make her feel a little better so she decided to join Harrison for a swim.

Squealing at the shock of how cold the water was, she took Harrison's hand and he lead them further out and began swimming around. Poppy took it all a bit slower though but once she was brave enough to dunk her head under, she was pleasantly surprised at how quickly she was feeling human again.

After a while, they decided on getting some breakfast and whilst they were drying off, Poppy noticed Harrison was staring at her

"What?" she smiled

"Just thinking how pretty you look today" he smiled back

"Give over" she laughed "I'm hung-over, my hair is full of sea water.........."

"Lucky that's how I like my women then" he laughed

Harrison jumped up as Jake and Jesse were driving past them in a buggy and they came to a stop, waving at Poppy who waved back. She watched them as they laughed together and then she spotted the group of impossibly gorgeous blond girls wearing the skimpiest of bikinis making their way towards them.

After some giggling from the girls, Jake and Jesse set off again leaving Harrison alone with the giggling girls. Poppy tried her best not to feel jealous, Harrison was just a holiday romance after all, but watching these girls flirt with him was giving her that weird, stomach full of lead, sick type feeling.

Harrison quickly returned to her and Poppy tried her best to look like the least jealous person ever

"Who were they?" she asked, realising she had failed as she sounded completely and utterly jealous

"They are here for the surfing competition tomorrow" he replied

Poppy gave him a half smile but said nothing and they sat in silence for a minute or two.

"So my shift starts in ten" he said, looking at her, slightly confused by her sudden silence

"Ok, I think I'm gonna go home" she replied

"Thought you might hang around here?" he said, disappointed

"My hangover is creeping back up on me" she said, half smiling "I think I need junk food and TV"

"Ok" he smiled "So maybe I can come round later?"

"I'd love that" she smiled back

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