Chapter 22

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Poppy woke the next morning to find herself alone and a handwritten note from Harrison on the pillow next to her. It said that he had gone to work and didn't want to wake her but he would call later. She picked up her phone to call her Dad and see what they were all up to but then remembered they were out all day visiting some old friends of Beth's. At the thought of being alone all day, she wondered if she should have agreed to go with them now.

Hearing a loud knocking at her door, she got out of bed and went to answer the door, slightly confused as to who it might be.

"Who is it?" she called

"Me, open the bloody door will ya" she heard Emma shout back

"Sorry, wasn't expecting anyone so was a bit confused" Poppy laughed in relief as she opened the door and Emma came bursting inside.

"Did I wake you?" Emma said, noticing Poppy had clearly only just got out of bed

"No, I was awake anyway" Poppy replied "Was just wondering what to do with my day"

"Well I can answer that for you" laughed Emma "Come to the beach with me"

"Are you not working today?" Poppy asked

"Nope" Emma grinned "So hurry up"

Poppy quickly changed into a bikini and grabbed her bag and they headed down to the beach

"Hang on" Poppy said as they passed a café "I need coffee"

They got a coffee each and continued on to the beach, setting up in their favourite spot and waved at Jake as he drove past on a buggy.

"So how was your romantic night away?" asked Poppy

"Amazing" sighed Emma "I've been bursting to tell someone.....he said the L word"

"What, lunch?" laughed Poppy

"Ha ha, very funny" laughed Emma "You know very well what word"

"And did you say it back?" asked Poppy "I mean, do you lurrrve him?"

"Of course" said Emma "Don't forget, I've had feelings for him long before he even gave me the time of day"

"Awww, that's great news" smiled Poppy "Promise me you'll invite me to the wedding"

"Alright, slow down" laughed Emma

They sunbathed for a while, Emma talking about her night away and in turn, Poppy told Emma all about Harrison meeting her family.

They were interrupted by the sound of a buggy horn beeping and they sat up to see Jake on his way back to the tower and it came to a stop in front of them.

"Hey you two" he said as he jumped off the buggy and walked over to them

"Hey Jakey" said Poppy as she smiled at him fondly

"Chapo and Harrison are down at backpackers today" he said

"I'd rather stay here" said Poppy

"So you can perv on me right" he laughed

"Obviously" Poppy laughed

"I'd better be getting back to it" he said and they all said goodbye and off he drove

"He has such a crush on you" Emma giggled

"What!" Poppy laughed "Don't be crazy"

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