Chapter 21

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"So I've been thinking about what we can do this afternoon" Harrison said after a while

"If you really want to go surfing I guess I can watch you while I top up my tan" Poppy smiled

"Actually, I was thinking something with a bit more luxury" he laughed

"Oh yeah?" she replied, intrigued

"A mate of mine works in a local hotel that has a spa and she can get us in if you want?" he said

"Ok, I'm listening" she said, sitting up

"We can get a massage and then maybe relax by the pool" he said "They have those huge double lounger bed things too, we can relax and drink cocktails"

"Like how the rich and famous live huh" she laughed

"Well I can't guarantee the rich and famous will be there but it will be fancier than the beach" he laughed

They packed up and set off to the hotel and Poppy was glad she had put her bikini on under her clothes.

Harrison's friend met them in reception and Poppy immediately liked her but was envious of her natural beauty and fantastic figure, wondering if she and Harrison had ever been more than just friends. Putting those thoughts out of her head, she followed them through to a changing room and locked her stuff away, putting on the robe given to her. They then walked into a small, dimly lit room with two beds and relaxing music playing through the speakers.

"So she's managed to get us a free couple's massage if you're up for it" Harrison told her

"Definitely" smiled Poppy as they chose a bed each and lay down.

They had the best back massage Poppy had ever experienced and she was so relaxed she nearly fell asleep.

Afterwards, they made their way outside to a huge pool and Harrison directed her over to what looked like a huge four poster bed with two fancy looking cocktails next to it.

"Ooh fancy" laughed Poppy

"Only the best for you" Harrison smiled

"Thanks for organising all this" Poppy said as they sat down and he handed her a cocktail

"You're welcome" he said as they clinked glasses and took a sip of the very refreshing and very alcoholic cocktail

They relaxed in the sunshine for a while until Harrison suggested they went in the pool. Once in the pool, he pulled her towards him and as they floated around holding onto each other Poppy thought about how much she wanted to stay like this forever

"You've gone quiet" Harrison said as he released her from his hug a little so they were facing each other

"Just very relaxed" she smiled

"I don't wanna get all weird on you" he started, a little nervously "But I have to tell you that I've had a great time with you these last couple of weeks"

"You're not gonna get all mushy are you" she smiled

"No" he laughed "I just wanted to say.......well thanks I guess"

"It's me who should be thanking you" she said, stroking his hair "From that night you rescued me to right now, you've made this the best holiday I have ever had"

"I'll miss you when you leave" he said sadly

"Me too" she said as she felt tears forming and she tried desperately to stop them

"You'll come back and visit won't you" he asked

"Definitely" she smiled

"And maybe I can plan a trip to England sometime" he added

"That would be amazing" she whispered

They continued floating around together and he pulled her close and held her tightly.

After a while, they got out of the pool and lay back on the sun bed to dry off.

Poppy must have fallen asleep briefly as when she opened her eyes, Harrison was sat up and playing on his phone.

"Ah you're awake" he laughed as she sat up and stroked his back

"I was only dozing" she laughed

"So today is not over yet" he said, turning to face her "How about I make you dinner, if you aren't sick of me yet of course"

"You really are spoiling me today" she smiled "And no, I'm not sick of you"

"Good to know" he smiled, kissing her "So just need to nip to the store then I thought I'd cook at your place if that's ok?"

"Fine by me" she said

They made a quick stop at the grocery store and argued about who was paying, finally agreeing on going halves after Poppy made a big speech about being a "strong independent woman" and they headed back to Poppy's apartment.

Harrison made an excellent lasagne and after washing up, Poppy joined him on her couch.

"What's on then?" she asked him as he checked the on screen TV guide

"It's all chick films" he complained

"Awww, Sixteen Candles" Poppy squealed "I love that film"

"How many times have you seen it?" Harrison said, amused by her reaction

"Not many" she lied

They watched the film and Harrison laughed when Poppy spoke more or less word for word along with the characters.

Harrison checked his watch and stifled a yawn

"Tired?" Poppy asked

Harrison smiled and nodded "Just thinking about being on the early shift tomorrow"

"Early night?" she smiled

"Soundsgood" hesmiled back

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