Chapter 4

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They started walking and Poppy was so glad he had offered to walk with her as she didn't recognise where she was at all.

"So how did you end up on a night out with that lot?" he asked

Poppy explained the whole story from how she met Kaz to getting her Dad to agree to her staying out and then how she had suddenly lost them all in the bar.

"If I'm honest Poppy, you'd be better off not hanging around with them anyway" he said "They are not exactly reliable friends"

"They leave tomorrow anyway" she told him "But thanks for the warning"

"So it's a family trip then?" he asked

"Yeah, for three weeks" she replied "It's gonna be a nightmare if Dad doesn't back off and let me do my own thing though"

"Dad's are like that with daughters I guess" he laughed "I see why you were so keen to get home on time then"

"He needs to ease up, I'm eighteen next month" she sighed

"Maybe if you knew the area a bit better he might be happier about you being out on your own?" he suggested

"Maybe" she shrugged

"Well here we are" he announced as Poppy realised they had arrived at the block of apartments.

"Yeah" she replied, disappointed "Well thank you so much for helping me out"

"And with five minutes to spare" he said looking at his watch

"I really appreciate it" she added

"You're welcome" he smiled

Poppy smiled back and she really didn't want to have to go inside

"So I guess I'll see you around?" he said

"Well I need new people to hang out with in an evening now, so........." she laughed nervously

"Me and the boys are usually in one of the bars across from the beach most nights" he replied "So if you're at a loose end and don't wanna stay indoors with the family then you're welcome to join us"

"Oh, I wasn't being cheeky, I just meant........" she replied, embarrassed

"I didn't think you were" he laughed "You need to make the most of Bondi while you're here though"

"Well thanks, that would be really great" she laughed nervously "I definitely want to make the most of it"

"Good, do you wanna give me your number then I can let you know where we'll be tomorrow?" he asked

He passed her his phone, she typed her number in and passed it back to him.

"See you tomorrow then" he smiled

"See you tomorrow" she replied and she went inside, ran up the stairs and as she reached the door to her apartment, her Dad appeared from his apartment next door.

"Oh Dad, have you really been waiting up?" she sighed

"Guilty" he smiled "But thank you for meeting me halfway sweetheart, you've proved you can look after yourself and I get that I have to accept you're grown up now"

"I love that you still worry about me Dad but I'm not a little girl anymore" she smiled

"You'll always be my little girl I'm afraid" he laughed

"Always Dad" she smiled and she gave him a hug

"Goodnight" he said "See you for breakfast"

"Goodnight Dad" she nodded and she went inside her apartment and closed the door behind her.

She flopped backwards onto her bed and thought back on her evening. Had she really just given Harrison her number and made arrangements to meet him tomorrow? She needed to tell someone so she brought up her emails on her phone and saw that Sarah had replied to the one she sent yesterday.

To: Poppy

From: Sarah

Subject: Re: Arrived!!!!

OMG Pops I miss you already :-( Soooooo jealous, it's raining her as usual! Met any fit Australians yet? :-P

Sorry Beth is doing your head in, stay calm though babe, there are worse step mums you know.

You are missing nothing here – except I think Mark was flirting with me yesterday at work! Eeeeeek!

Keep me updated with what a wonderful time you are having, we may have to work out time differences and video call soon though - I miss your face :-)

Sarah xx

Poppy laughed at her crazy friends email and hit the reply button

To: Sarah

From: Poppy

Subject: Re: Arrived!!!!

Awwww miss you too chica :-( I hope you flirted back with Mark! Keep me updated on that development!

Beth actually ended up helping me out with Dad – she convinced him to agree to me staying out without them! Didn't go exactly to plan when the girls I was with left me in a bar and I had no idea where I was but then a really fit Australian (lifeguard BTW!!!!!!!) helped me out and walked me home! Looks like I'm meeting him tomorrow night too but until it actually happens I'm not getting too excited.

Poppy xx

Poppy pressed send and set her phone down on the bedside table, changed into her pyjamas and jumped into bed. She fell asleep thinking of Harrison and all that had happened that night and wondered what tomorrow would bring.

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