Chapter 3

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The first week of school went by as fast as the first day. I could be reading or catching up on the last few episodes of Orange Is The New Black. Instead, I was waiting for Eli to get here. My mom refused to let me wait for him in my room just in case I don't here the doorbell. I'm mute, not deaf, I can hear just fine.

My mom thinks I'm going on a date. Apparently asking a someone to 'study' was a way for kids to go out on dates and sneak around behind their parents backs in the 70's. Only it's 2014 and we really were going to study. So my mom tried to put me in a dress, but she lost the battle when she sent me to my room to change and I came out in my more comfortable jeans and t-shirt.

There was a knock at the door. My mom rushed to open it. At the door stood Eli in nothing more than what I was wearing. Jeans and a t-shirt. My mom looked slightly disappointed but still happy. I would be spending hours upon hours with a boy, and not just a boy, a popular boy, the quarterback of the football team.

"Hello Mrs. Rose. I'm Eli, Eli Smith." Eli introduced.

"Hello Eli. You take care of my daughter." She warned.

"Of course. I will bring her back better than the way she is now."

"You kids have fun." She dismissed us. "But not too much fun." She added.

I rolled my eyes and followed Eli to his car. When I saw the car. I was a little more than impressed. This car was...amazing. It was a ruby red Cadillac. The inside of the car was sleek and black, it looked like it had never been used, that, or he just kept up with it really well.

''My car is in the shop so I had to borrow Tristans' monstrosity of a vehicle.'' He shook his head in disappointment.

I love this car. I think it's great. I typed.

''Wait until you see the house. It's worse.''

I have a feeling your worse and my worse are two totally different things.

''We'll see.'' He shrugged.

We continued the drive in silence. Eli couldn't read and drive at the same time, it would be like texting and driving. He's already a terrible driver and I would like to spare a few lives today, including mine. 

Through out the drive Eli would slam on the breaks at every red light and stop sign, sending me flying forward and giving me whiplash, then he would go 80 miles an hour as soon as he stepped on the breaks sending me back in my seat. How far away did this guy live?

My prayers we soon answered when we pulled up to the driveway. His house was much bigger than ours, but it wasn't a mansion. It was just a house. A big house. He lead me to the door and let me walk in first. This house wasn't ''worse'' and it wasn't bad. This house looked like a home. A home that two people share. It's warm and welcoming.

I love the house.

''Of course you would.'' He said smiling down at me.

I smiled back.

''We should go upstairs before-''

''Eli? Scar? Hey I though it was you guys.'' Mr. Smith said coming around the corner.

''Well no one else lives here.'' Eli said.

Mr. Smith sighed. ''I know that Eli.''

You have a cool home Mr. Smith. I typed to him.

''Thank you. And we're not at school, call Tristan.''

Okay, Tristan. I smiled at him

''I'm going to make some snacks and then we can get started.'' Eli said excusing himself to the kitchen.

''Lets sit. He likes to eat so it might take him a while.'' Tristan said while leading my to the living room.

We sat down and I took this time to get a good look at the room. It had a brick fire place, two couches across from each other, a whole book shelf along the wall, and did I mention that this room was probably as big as my entire downstairs? But what really intrigued me was the furniture and other items in the room. There were old pictures in picture frames and wooden desks along with some not so modern lamps. Everything in this room seemed to be antiques. And it only made the house look better.

''So how are you coming along on your project. I know it sucks having one on the first week of school, but if you look on the bright side, we can do something fun when everyone else is doing first six week finals.''

I finished mine the night it was assigned. It took me all night though.

I mentally slapped myself. Why would I say something like that? He probably thinks I'm some sort of nerd/geek teachers pet. Who else finishes a major project the day it's assigned? It makes me look like I have nothing better to do with my life.

''I hope its good. Did you bring it with you?''

I shook my head. I left it at my house so I wouldn't loose it. I probably should have though. Something in the corner of the room caught my eye. I got up and walked over to it. It was a record player, but it wasn't out of date it was a more modern type, and to the side was a box of vinyl records.

I picked up the first one. It was a Panic! At The Disco record. I knew every song and without hesitation I put on the record. C'mon featuring Fun. started to play.

'It's getting late and I cannot seem to find my way home tonight.'

I swayed back and forth to the song.

"I would have never thought you liked record players or Panic! At The Disco." Tristan said coming up behind me.

I love record players I might save up to get me one.

"Do you like to dance?" He asked.



Who with and what kind of dancing.

"Me and slow dancing."

I wasn't stupid. I was not about to slow dance with my teacher.

"I know it might seem weird but it's just me. I don't bite." He said.

All common sense flew out the window. I re-started the song and grabbed his hand. He lead me to the middle of the room. We started to slowly spin around in one big circle. It took all my power not to rest my head on his chest or press my body too close against his.

I can not believe I'm dancing with my teacher. I hope this is a one time deal, but it's nice. When I looked up he was smiling down at me. It wasn't one of those creepy smiles it was a sincere smile. It was a smile that made me smile back. 


I jumped in my spot. I was so lost in my trance that I didn't realize Eli was standing in the doorway. I immediately pulled away from Tristan and went to grab my bag. Eli headed up the stairs. I made the most terrible mistake of looking back.

Tristan was staring back at me. The emotion in his face was unreadable, but he looked kind of sad.

(Okay the picture of Eli is on the side or up top depending on what you're reading this on. Sorry it didn't show on the last chapter.)

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