Chapter 30

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Are you mad at me? The million dollar question.

"I just don't understand why you don't want to go."

Cause A) I don't dance B) the only person that I would even talk to would be you C) I don't do school events.

"It will be fun."

I doubt that.

It's the first week of December. Next week is the last week of the school year. Then it's 2 weeks of Christmas and New Years. The school is holding a Christmas "ball" and Eli wants to go with me.

"It's the first time we've been out publicly in front of the school. We hang out at your job, my house, your house all the time. We should go out. Have fun."

He obviously noticed my hesitation.

"It's just one lousy night of the year." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I always love it when he does that. "Please?"

Okay, fine.

"Great. It's this weekend, I'll pick you up."


"I gotta go, I'll see you after school."


After getting home from work. I was surprisingly not tired.

For once Eli wants to go to a school function that's not football related.

I remember the conversation that Kevin and I had this afternoon.

"So what about you and Mr. Smith."

I'm over it. It wasn't anything serious. I shrugged.

"Whatever." He smiled.

It wasn't a totally lie. I'm not completely over it but I'm starting to. The whole situation is stupid.

I lightly knocked on my moms door. She looks up from her paper work.

"Hey, what's up?"

I walk over to her bed and sit down next to her.

Eli and I are going to that Christmas ball this weekend and I need a dress. Do you have anything in your closet I could wear?

"No. Absolutely not. You are not wearing anything of mine. The night is still young, we need to go out and buy you a dress."

Why can't I wear something you already own?

"Because you can not spend your life wearing my clothes on your date. We are going to find you a dress." She smiled.

What, now?

"Yes right now."

If searching for a dress is not marked as cruel and unusual punishment, I don't know what is.

My mom has been in Walmart for the past hour in search for that "perfect dress".

"What about this?" She gasped.

She held up a pink dress. I shook my head. I hate pink.

"Okay," she trailed off. "What about this?" She held up a light blue dress. It was a simple plain blue dress. I considered it. It's not exactly what I'm looking for but it will do.

My mom took one last look at it.

"I know what it needs." She looked at me and smiled.

She bought the dress and we went home. My mom practically locked herself in her room with my dress for the rest of the night.

Tristan's POV

Evan was back and with more boxes than clothes.

"I really appreciate you allowing me to stay here. I promise it's temporary." He said.

"Stay as long as you want Evan, you're always welcome here."

"I know." He said curtly.

"Okay, so this weekend, you, me, and that new club in New York." He said.

"It can't be this Saturday, I'm chaperoning the school dance."

"You need chaperones for those? I thought that only happened on field trips."

"It's for all school events. These kids are crazy and someone needs to make sure they don't vandalize the school."

We didn't talk for a while. Instead we silently unpacked the few boxes that he brought. It was Evan who broke the silence.

"Is Scarlette gonna be there?" He asked casually.

"Well Eli is going so I don't see why not." I said just as calmly.

I looked at him through my eye lashes. He stares back at me.

"Okay." He said mainly to himself and fold his clothes and places them in the drawer.

When we finished I went into my study to finish grading papers.

When I walked up to my desk I noticed something that wasn't there before.

A white bow tie with Christmas trees laid on my desk with a note attached to it.

I could find no better way to give this to you. In front of my mom and Eli would be too weird. You don't have to say anything to me next time you see me. I know you mean well. I hope you enjoy it.


P.S. I wondered in here by accident, just so you know.

A smile crept on my lips. Scarlette was in here. She left this for me. Eli didn't get a gift from her. The thought makes me feel special. I love her so much.

I sat in my chair and imagined her walking in here by accident stunned by all the books and writing this note and placing it with the tie. And just for one moment I pretend that she loves me as much as I love her just for leaving this.

I walk out of my study. Fuck grading papers. I'll wear this to the dance and helpfully she'll see it and know I got.

I went to my room and closed my door. I laid down on my bed and held the tie close to me.

It's stupid. I know. But to loose this feeling would probably result in my loosing myself. Not the feeling of being loved, but the feeling of loving someone, it means everything to me. I don't want to try to get over it, or move past it, or forget it. I'm a love sick puppy. I'm weak. I'm whipped. So what? Sue me dammit. I don't care. She might not love me but I know she cares. Why else would she leave this?

I try not to think that much into it. For now I pretend and imagine a life where I could be with her forever.

(DAAAAAAAAAWW! Isn't that just lovely?

The dress on the side is Scarelette's dress for the dance. It's not exactly the dress that I had in mind, but the dress that I wanted was extremely difficult to find. You will see the finished product of the dress in the next chapter. The chapter of the dance. Very exciting.

So this is the regular update, In honor of, now, 1.9K I will be posting a second chapter in a few minutes with 10 facts about me.

I'm also dedicating this chapter to my girlfriend for her birthday. Happy Birthday babe!)

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