Chapter 24

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"Are you still coming over tonight?"

Yeah, I get off at 7 so I should be over about 7:30.

"Good cause we have a lot to review."

I nodded my head and finished putting my books in my bag. After I closed my locker Eli pinned me against the locker.

I looked down the hall, no one was here as usual.

Eli began to kiss up my neck. He kissed everywhere on my face and lastly my lips which left me with a smile.

"I'll see you then."

After I saw him walk out the door I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. What was that boy doing to me?

I grab my keys and head to my car.

Upon my arrival at work I noticed very few cars. Maybe one or two and those did not include Kevin's.

I walk up to the door. It's unlocked. I walk inside and there is no one here. No customers and the info lady wasn't at the desk either.

"Scarlette?" An over cheery voice called behind me. I turned around.

"I guess you didn't get the email. It's strange cause neither did Kevin. But we're closed today."


"Well, it's Halloween! Go, have fun, get candy, but make sure its wrapped."

I didn't know we close on Halloween, most stores don't.

"Well a library is the one place where rowdy teenager like to hang out, cause problem, and prank, so for the past 3 years we close early around 1."

I nodded my head. I'll see you tomorrow then.

"Have a great rest of the day." She smiled.

Damn. If Halloween doesn't scare you enough her always cheery attitude will. I head back to my car and drive over to Eli's house. I wasn't expecting to be off today but that's perfect, it gives Eli and I more time to study, god knows I need it.

I walked up too their door and knocked. Tristan answered the door.

"Hey Scar what are you doing here?"

I'm here to study with Eli. I hope you don't mind.

"No, no that's fine. You're always welcome here. I was just about to go out with Evan."

"Man are you done doing you hair. It has literally been an hour." Evan walks into the room.

"Speaking of the devil."

"Oh hey Scarlette, Eli's girl....friend Eli's girlfriend, hey how's it going?"

It's going, you?

"I'm...amazing." He looked at Tristan.

"Let's go." Tristan sighed.

"Se you later Scar." Evan said as he was being dragged out by Tristan. I waved bye.

I walked upstairs to Eli's room and knocked on the door.

"Scar, hey I thought you wouldn't be in until 7:30."

It's Halloween so the library's closed.

"Oh, well that's great we get to study more." I nodded my head.

I walk into his room and get my book out. He grabbed his books from his desk. I looked around the room and noticed that the things that he broke were replaced.

"Okay lets start with math."

After two hours I was ready to take a break. We pushed all our textbooks on the floor and plopped back against his bed. He chuckled.

He got on top of me but none of his weight was actually on me.

"I love you." He whispered.

Instead of typing it back I leaned up and kissed him. One of his hands cupped my face and brought me closer to him. I sat up so I was straddling his lap.

Without thinking I lifted up his shirt and took it off. I was surprised to see his abs. They weren't hardcore but you could see them.

I brought my lips back to his and felt up his abs. They were soft and a little bit addicting.

He lifted up my shirt and took it off.

"May I?" He asked referring to my bra. I nodded my head.

He unclasped the hinges and removed it from my body.

"So big, so beautifully." He whispered.

I wanted to run in a corner and hide, but I didn't think about it. If I'm going to get through this I I have to not think and just act on emotion.

With a new wave of confidence. I removed his pants and he removed mine. He put his lips on mine again. He laid me on the bed. 

He stood up and grabbed something from his drawer, a condom hopefully. He stood back at the front of the front of the bed and removed his boxers.

It looked like it did in the health videos. It wasn't supper big, it was normal, size and length. That doesn't mean I'm still not nervous. It was too late to back out now.

I heard the plastic snap around his length. He got back on the bed and hovered over me.

"Are you sure you want to do this."

I have never been more sure of anything in my life. I nodded my head.

He removed my panties. To distract me he kissed me.

I wouldn't of had felt him going in if it wasn't for the pain.

I sucked in a sharp breath and he stopped.

"Just tell me if it's too much." I nodded.

He pushed back in slower than before and he put his lips back on mine. This time I ignored the pain as best as I could.

He pulled back out and went back in. It wasn't so bad this time.

With each thrust the pain died down a bit. But the pain was still there.

He rocked his hips back and forth. I wrapped my legs around his waist but that only made it go in deeper. It hurt a little more but It felt good.

Continuing to rock back and forth he placed his lips on mine again.

"Baby I'm gonna come."

I pressed my lips to his again.

"Babe." Me muttered.

Suddenly he stopped and I heard him groan. Then he relaxed.

He slid out of me and rolled over so he was laying on the bed.

"Wow." He breathed.


(Was this bad or nah. I'm not to sure if I'm any good at sex scenes but this is suppose to be bad for a reason you'll see why. I can't ask my mom cause she would literally die and come back to kill me if she knew I was writing about this stuff, so I come to you guys. How was it? Did you like it? Was it to much, Too little? Let me know. And just so you know I fangirled when I found that gif It was just too perfect. Okay, enjoy the chapter, happy Monday!)

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