Chapter 26

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Week 2. This week is a lot better than last week. I talked to my mom and got her love and support.

With it being the second week of November my mom was frantically trying to get presents for Christmas and decorations for Thanksgiving.

"It's a cruel and unusual punishment to put them together." She says as she frantically tries to clean the kitchen. I would help but around this time of year I try to steer clear of her.

"You waste all your money trying to get food for Thanksgiving and then you turn right back around and have to get a damn mountain of presents for family members. Money doesn't grown on trees. It's made from cotton actually, I watch a documentary on it..."

Her rant continued but when she starts to talk about documentaries I go upstairs. Even though it's just us my mom still tries to ship out presents to family members. And because I'm an only child Christmas was a lot of fun growing up. Families that had 4 or 5 children in them got a lot of presents. They have to get a lot, they have a lot of children. I would get just as many but they were all for me. That was only only part I didn't like about Christmas, the fact that I got so many presents. I barely used them. I would always read the classic collection my grandparents got me. They would give me one classic book every year and I would always read it until I got another.

All the other toys I got from other family members I would donate to charity. My mom would take me down to New York and we would spend a day there helping out the homeless and taking left overs from our holiday feast to food banks or we would go deeper into the city and pass out containers of food to the people who didn't have a way to the food banks.

Those were the best. The tradition started after my dad left. Before, it would just be a whole bunch of baby toys, I didn't have a choice on whether or not I kept them. After two years my dad would came back, not to come back permanently as in to be with my mom again, he would always visit. But I would go upstairs and hide in my room. I never saw him much. He stopped trying after a few times. Those were the worst parts of my holiday.

It's Saturday. I should go out, do something. I'll stop by Eli's and see if he wants to do anything.

Tristan's POV

I love Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's the one time of year where I get to spend and entire day cooking. Of course Eli couln't be bothered, but that makes it all the better. I don't have to worry about him messing anything up.

My thought's lingered over to Scar. I wonder what her and her mom are doing for the holidays. Maybe I should invite her over. Well her and her mom.

Evan will be here for Thanksgiving and Christmas. He finished all of his lawyer schooling in New York and is moving back here. I couldn't under stand why he would want to move back. "Big time lawyers in small towns make good money." He said. I guess it makes sense. If I want to be a teacher and make big bucks, I would have to be a college professor but I'm good with just teaching high school.

The bell rang and I ran downstairs to answer it.

Scarlette stood behind the door and when she saw me a smile stretched on her face, like she was hoping she would see me. Oh how I wish I could just pull her into my arms and kiss her.

Is Eli home? She asked.

Oh yeah Eli, her boyfriend, my son.

"No he's out with some friends. I didn't know you were coming." I'm not really complaining.

I decided to stop by to see if he wanted to do anything, but I can just come back later.

"Actually he'll be home soon. You can wait in here for him." I suggested.

She hastily nodded her head. I invited her in and led he into the living room. I know this is her favourite room in the whole house. She has that warm look to her whenever she steps in here. She sits down on the couch and I sit on the opposite side.

I had no Idea when Eli would be back but I don't care. This is a chance to be with Scarlette and I'm going to take it god damnit.

I take in all her features. Her naturally blonde curly hair bounces with each step. Shes wearing her signature camouflage jacket with a shirt and jeans. She looks breathtakingly beautiful. It hurts. What I would do to be with her. The things we could do together. Alright Tristan just admit it to yourself. My subconscious pry's.

I am in love with Scarlette Rose.

(Happy Monday, hope you enjoy this chapter.) 

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