Chapter 9

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I went to open the door for Eli.

"Hey." He said.

I stepped outside on the porch.

I know what I want. I want to be with you too cause I really like you, but before we become, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend I want to get to know you better.

"If that's what you want then you got it. I would like to get to know you better too. Today. We can go on a date, today."

And where would we go?

"We can go to the park and walk around."

Right now?

"Yes, get your shoes on and lets go!" He exclaimed excitedly.

I nodded. I went and grabbed my shoes along with my wallet and told my mom where I would be before getting in Eli's car.

The park was beautiful. It always is, I come here a lot to read.

"So tell me about you."

What about me?

"Anything, like what's your middle name?"

Promise you wont laugh or anything?

"Fuck, It can't be good if I can't laugh."

I repeatedly slapped his arm. Hard.

"Alright, alright I won't laugh!"


"Zander? Was your mom high when she named you?"

No! My mom and dad weren't married when I was born. They were engaged before I was even conceived. My mom wanted to continue with the family name so I got her last name and my middle name was my dads last name.

"Oh. That's smart I guess. Quinton is my middle name."

That sounds like a hotel name.

"Yeah I guess it does."

When's your birthday?

"December 21, I turn 17."

You'll be 18 when you graduate? So will I. That sucks.

"I'll only be 18, it wont be so bad. When's your birthday?"

September 21. I too will be 17.

"I'm dating an older woman. Sweet."

I'm only 3 months older than you.

"Still. So, where's your dad? I don't see him around."

My dad left me and my mom when I was 5, it was shortly after I became mute. I guess he couldn't handle it.

"You're mute and he can't handle it? I'm sorry. We both have some pretty fucked up parents then."

Were you happy that Mr. Smith was going to be taking you in?

"Yeah I guess. He was the only one of my moms boyfriends that I actually liked. He didn't want to just screw my mom he wanted to get to know me too. All the other guys didn't give a fuck about me and I honestly didn't care, they were all assholes."

Well it was nice of him to do that especially since he's so young and everything.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Wait a minute. Your birthday is next week! How could I not realize sooner? Anything special you want?" He asked.

No, I don't want you to spend money on me.

"Why not?"

Because I don't like people spending money on me. I learn not to expect much.

"Do you think we'll be boyfriend and girlfriend by then?"


"Then there is no reason why I shouldn't buy you a gift."

Just don't over spend any money on me.


We walked in silence for a minute before he broke it.

"Did you like the kiss? I normally don't get any complaints but you never said anything about it."

I felt a little uneasy at the thought of him kissing other girls. I loved it. It was my first kiss so I have nothing to compare it to.

"Nothing?" He stopped and turned towards me.

He leaned in slowly and wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips softly pressed against mine and I completely forgot about everything. The only thing that mattered was me and him.

"So how was that first kiss now?" He said when he pulled away.

Three times a charm.

I leaned up and kissed him again. Nothing can get better than this.


When I got home I had time to go over things in my head, I was dating Eli. Fuck that, I'm dating in general. I never thought this day would come. I never thought that I would find this experience in high school or know what it's like to date or have a boyfriend.

On Monday I was nervous to see Eli. I didn't want to seem clingy so I'll just wait for him to come to me. Yeah, that seems like a good idea.

"Scar!" I didn't have time to turn around before I felt arms around my waist and lips on top of mine. I knew immediately who it was.

I kissed him back, I think, I'm not entirely sure.

"I missed you." He said against my lips.

I pulled away and typed on my phone. I missed you too.

"Come on, I'll take you too first period."

I nodded my head and grabbed my books. As we walked down the hall people were staring or glaring at us. I'm not use to this kind of attention so I kept my head down. Eli grabbed my hand and it made me look up at him. He gave me a reassuring smile.

We stopped right out side the door of my class. "I'll see you at lunch. We can meet in the library." I nodded and gave him a hug, he gave me a kiss on my cheek in return.

I took my lunch to the library and Eli was already there waiting for me.

"Hey." He said looking up from a book.

Do my eyes deceive me? Are you actually reading a book?

"Maybe. It's good so far."

What are you reading?

He lifted up the book and what do you know?

Looking for Alaska? You can't be serious.

"Oh yes I am. I noticed you reading it and I was curious."

I don't think you'll like it.

"Why is that?"

Should I tell him? No, I won't do that to him.

Maybe you will. It's too soon to tell though right?


We walked out into the hallway after we were done eating. There's only a few more minutes left until the bell rings.

Can I kiss you? I don't think I will ever know if he wants me to or not.

"Well yeah, you can kiss me any time you want."

I leaned up and kissed him. Right after our lips touched the bell rang, but he didn't pull away. We were in the middle of the hallway kissing.

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