Chapter 32

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He was stark naked. The girl underneath him  was still over taken with pleasure, also naked. Any words that were said sounded like mumbles. I couldn't understand.

Tristan called his name. And he quickly tried to recover. He stood up. He fell over trying to put his pants on.

I closed my eyes. For just a few minutes while I try to pull myself together, I don't want to hear or see anything. Pretend that I did not see what I just saw. Pretend that everything is fine.

When I opened my eyes again, the scene changed. The girl was standing off in a corner putting her clothes on. Eli stood in front of me, looking guilty and sad. Tristan stood next to me, he was looking at Eli clearly mad and pissed off.

"Scarlette." He breathed.

There is nothing, that I could type on my phone, that could express how I feel right now. I have never, met anyone that has made me want to scream and yell at them in my entire life.

"I'm sorry...wait listen to me!"

"Eli leave her. You have some explaining to do and not just to her but to me."

I ran to my car. As I got in and started going down the familiar streets towards my house I realized something. I don't want to go home, face my mom, she doesn't even know that I was waiting at the house for 3 hours.

3 hours. God I'm so stupid. The times he stood me up, the lies, the secrets. It was just one big game. How dare he apologize. How dare he say that I should listen to him. He cheated on me and the past 4 months that we've been together were probably a lie. All the times he stood me up to hang out for football practice. When I confront him about these things he would make me feel like I was crazy, like I was jumping to conclusions, he made me feel scared that I would loose him.

After hours of driving around I finally made it home around 4. My mom was pretty mad.

"The dance ended at 12 and you're just now getting home. Start explaining."

But I couldn't. The night had been a disaster. I felt like screaming, crying, hitting something, but I have no voice, no more tears left to shed, and no fight left in me.

I decided to just tell her. I could lean my head against her shoulder and have her rub soft circles on my back and here her tell me how sorry she is- even though she didn't do anything -and tell me what a jerk Eli is. All of this I already know.


My mom told me I didn't have to go to school today. He already broke my heart, I'll be damned if I let him take away my education too. I told her.

Time seemed to have slowed down. As I walked down the hallway I noticed the students laughing and talking, having a good day. Oh how I wish that was me.

Everything was slow. I slowly walked to my locker and slowly put in the combination and slowly grabbed my books and put them slowly in my bag. Slow isn't fast enough.

"Scarlette please listen to me."

He dares to even walk up to me? Wow.

"I'm sorry," Is that the best you've got? "I fucked up, big time. But I really do love you. I don't know what I was thinking, but I promise you that I will be totally faithful to you and treat you how you deserve to be treated. I've never loved a girl as much as I love you, actually, I've never loved a girl period. What I did was wrong and I promise you that I am capable of love. Please forgive me."

I have no intent on forgiving him. I forgave him for so may things, but this...this is unbearable.

How long has it been going on?

The question hovered over us like a storm, just waiting to drown and destroy everything.

"It wasn't just her. There have been other girls, it's been going on since we started dating."

This whole time. Yeah, it was a lie. How could he honestly think that I would take him back? I slammed my locker shut and closed my eye to steady my breathing.

What happened? I want to know every lie you ever told, what you did when I wasn't around, who you hung out with, who you fucked. Everything. You owe me that much.

"Well," he gulped, "it started from day one. Every time I went home there would always be a conversation with another girl, a rather inappropriate conversation. After school when I wasn't with you I would go over to my friends house and we would hook up with girls and drink. The first day that you and I started dating I went to my friends house that night and I told them about you. The were curious as to why I was dating you, and not even I knew at the time. I said I had already gotten you to to go out with me, why not have some fun? I told them I would sleep with you by Christmas and one of the guys decided to put money on it. From there it went. I thought that If I slept with you that it would blow over and it would be done with. I didn't know that I would fall in love with you. The day that you were attacked and I told you that I was at practice, that was a lie. After practice I went over to a girls house and we, you know....The after party, the night of the football game, I was at that party sleeping with girls. That's pretty much it. If I didn't love you I wouldn't be telling you all this."

And the girl at the dance?

"I didn't mean to stand you up. But she had instead that I take her. I knew if I told her that I was taking you she would get suspicious and call me out on it."

I can't forgive you. Ever. I just found out the details of our based-on-a-lie-4-month-relationship. You promise to treat me better and show me that after all this you are capable of loving someone. Loving me. But are you capable of being loved. You lie, you hide, keep secrets. That's all you did with me. And then when I called you out on it you made me feel like I was crazy for assuming things. I'm so stupid for hanging on to every word you said, giving you chance after chance after chance, forgiving you, being there for you and I am sick of loving you. No one wants to love a person like that. So I will answer the question for you. No, you are not capable of being loved. But you can love, that's great! Fall in love with another girl. Don't waist your breath on me.

I snatched my phone out of his hands and walked off to class.

A 4 month relationship based on a lie.

Thank you Eli Smith. It was a fun ride.

(Guys I'm so sorry I didn't update this yesterday! My mom lost her tablet and was using my laptop all morning yesterday and when I got it I had to cram for an exam today which I still have to take. I know it's no excuse because uploading takes all of two minutes but I did forget. Sorry.

I will post on Thursday hope you enjoy the chapter, Happ Monday!)

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