Chapter 22

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When we finished lunch with Scarlette I was determined to know what Evan was up to.

"Okay man, what's up?" I asked when we got home.

"Don't act like you don't know what the fuck is going on."

"What's going on?"

"Scarlette. It's her isn't it? She's that girl you like."

"Shhh! Eli is upstairs!"

"Dude you have it so bad! You aren't even dating and you are so whipped!"

"How do you even know?"

"You can't be fucking serious. Her eyes, her hair, her laugh, your eyes light up when you look at her, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when she touches you, you're in love man."

"No. I'm not in love with anyone."

"Yeah you are. I know you are. That's why I invited her for lunch, so I can be sure."

"Even if I was it wouldn't matter. She's 17, a junior in high school and I'm a 21 year old sience teacher. Not only is she younger than me, she is also my student. You're a lawyer, you don't think that's wrong?"

"That is so wrong, but love, that's some deep shit."

"No. I can't. I could loose my job, get thrown in jail and Eli will have to be put in a foster home. And now that you know if you try to hide my relationship with her you could go to jail too."

"Wait a minute. Eli. Is that Eli's girl?"

The shame on my face must have given it away.

"Dude you've fallen for your son's girl? That's so fucking raw."

"No one knows about this and I intend on keeping it that way. She graduates next year and then I wont have to see her again."

"But that's a year and a half from now."

"So? As much as I want to, I know she would never go with it. It took her weeks to agree and go out with Eli and they just went on their first date yesterday."

"How do you feel about Eli and her?"

"Honestly, I love Eli, but I could treat her way better than he can. He doesn't deserve her."

"And you do?"

"No. To say that I deserve her more than he does would be selfish. If she was mine then we would have to be in secret. With Eli they can do whatever they want, whenever they want, where ever they want. I'm no better for her than Eli."

"Well I say go for it."

"You are a lawyer. You know the risks and yet you still say that. Why?"

"Because you are miserable without her. It's still possible for you two to be together. You may have to go out of town on dates, and not be to obvious during school and let as little people as posible know that you're dating but its worth it. I've never seen you like this, in love, and I don't care to see you heartbroken either."

"I can't do it. I can't taker her away from Eli and vise versa. I can't put her in a situation where she has to choose between me and him."

"Sometimes you can't focus on whether or not you should but on wether or not you could. If you can have her, take her, fuck everyone else."

"Wise words by Evan." My lips held a small smile.

Scar's POV

Monday during study hall, I was trying to avoid Eli as much as possible. What would I say to him? What would he say? Will he even bring it up?

Before 5th period I went to my locker to grab my books. I'm excited for this week in English cause we'll be going over Shakesphere's Romeo and Juliet one last time before moving on to the next unit.

"You've been avoiding me." I looked behind the door of my lock and there Eli was, leaning against the lockers casually, not looking at me.

What makes you say that?

"As soon as you saw me in the cafateria you bolted for the door. Come on, tell me what's up."

You seriously don't know?

"If I did I wouldn't be asking you."

Saturday, after the date, the make out session.

"What about it?"

It didn't feel too...heated to you?

"No. I've had sex before, that was barely foreplay."


"I didn't know it made you uncomfortable. I'm sorry."

It's not that it was uncomfortable it was just foreign. Before you I had never even kissed a boy.

"It won't happen again."

No I want to. I just wasn't expecting it to be so soon.

"You want to have sex with me?"

Of course. I blushed. This is the first time I've ever mentioned it to Eli. I think about it a lot though.

"You're ready?"

Yes Eli.

"So I can take you in one of these classrooms right now." He whispered in my ear.

I slapped his arm.

"So when do you know?"

When it happens it happens.

He nodded. "So changing the subject. I need to sudy for the test on Thursday so can you come over Wednesday and we can study together?"

Sure. I think I get out early anyway.

"Great! I'll see you later babe."

I waved bye an he sprinted down the hallways.

What the hell did I just get myself into? I know I'm ready, but am I ready for the wrong person? The wrong reasons? Is it too soon? I guess I'll never know unless I try.

I shut my locker and went to class.

When school ended I hurried to work. Over the past few weeks Kevin and I have been getting along great. He's my bestfriend and I feel like I can talk to him about anything, so during our break I decided to bring up a situation to him.

Can I tell you something?


So what whoud you say if there was this girl that's in a perfctly good relationship with her boyfriend, but she has feeling for another guy who is in close relation to this said boyfriend.

"Oh that's a toughy. Who are these people?"

(It's so much fun writing these chapters. Okay guys, what do you think? Hope you enjoy this chapter, happy Monday!)

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