Chapter 15

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(You ask and you shall receive. Because of recent comments, I now know that you want more. So I will be posting two chapters a week, Monday and Thursday. I chose Monday cause Mondays suck and hopefully an update will make it better :) so now you get twice the suspense and cliffhangers! Yay! Okay here it is, first Monday post.)

*Hey wanna hang out today?* 

*Can't. Hangover.*


*Entertain yourself ;) God how I would love to see that.*

*Wow perv.*

*Just keeping in real.*

*We can hang out tomorrow. Promise.*



I sighed. last night was a disaster. And I am exhausted. Will that be a regular thing? Getting drunk and breaking furniture? I remember what Tristan told me last night. "Eli has always believed his mom would come back for him." Does Eli really believe that? After all these years? His mom disowned him and tossed him aside. Why does he still care? I guess it's not my place to figure it out. I have to be there for him. Comfort him and make sure he's alright. I've tried my best to move past it because Eli is pretending like it didn't happen.

Today I have my first job interview and surprisingly I'm not nervous. I will hopefully be working in a place that is very familiar to me. The library. It will be a simple first job and very easy. I'll have a little money on the side to get a few extra nice things for myself like clothes and books...and books. I'm saving up for the new cover edition Harry Potter books. Not that the old covers don't look nice. I grew up with them, of course I will always love them, but the new covers do look nice. I also would like to get more vinyl records, not to mention now that I have a car I need gas money, bad.

After getting dressed I went to the kitchen and my mom was there typing away on her laptop.

I'm going to the library now.

"Have fun." She replied.

Upon my arrival at the library. I got really nervous. Big shock. They have 5 positions to fill and I don't know how many other people want these jobs. I take a deep breath and get out of my car.

I'm here for the job positions. I told the lady at the front desk.

"Just go right through that door." She said and pointed to a door behind her.

I walk in to a larger room with a desk and two chairs. There was another lady behind the desk and she quickly stood to shake my hand.

"You must be Scarlette, please have a seat." She said. I sat down in the chair behind me.

"I assume you brought your application."

I actually brought both my application and resume. I typed.

"That's perfect." She said.

I handed the papers to her and she looked them over.

"This is impressive. You're excellent at school, you're a hard worker. We would be very luck to have you. If you don't mind me asking, It says here that you have a speech disorder, what exactly is it?"

I'm mute. I can't talk at all.

"Oh, yes, I have heard of that."

Will it affect on me getting the job? I couldn't help but ask.

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