Chapter 18

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After 30 minutes I felt his body shift. I looked up at him.

"I must have fallen asleep. Why do I always do that?"

I just shrugged. Reminder: Let Eli pick the movie next time.

I should get going.

He nodded. "Hey, you know what I just remembered? We never went on our dinner date."

Oh yeah that's right. We can go Saturday. I got up and stretched.

He got up as well and grabbed me by my waist. "Don't you work on Saturday?"


He walked me over to the door. "Then Saturday it is. Dress fancy." He said.

I nodded to tired to ask questions.

"Drive safe and text me when you get home." I nodded again.

He gave me a quick kiss and I stepped outside into the chilly October air.

As tired as I was. I didn't want to go home. So I drove to the Library. Of course by this time it was closed, but I just wanted time to myself.

Sitting in my car in the parking lot I grabbed my phone and texted Eli that I was home so he wouldn't be concerned.

I reached over and grabbed my copy of The Great Gatsby. We won't be reading this book until next year but with my curiosity I decided to red it before hand. I'm not really that into it, yet, I'm only on page 25.

After I finished reading the second chapter I looked at the time. 10:37. I gotta get home.

On the way home I grabbed some nachos from Taco Bell. It's safe to say I was having a slight craving. After getting getting home I showered and finished up the last few pages of my homework.


After school on Wednesday. I went straight to the library and clocked in for work. I made sure I got there early so I could talk to my manager.

"Scar, what can I help you with?" The supervisor asked.

I'm not able to handle two part time jobs. Can I just keep my week job of stocking shelves instead?

"Oh of course! You're a very smart girl I didn't realize that it would be too much for you. How stupid of me to give you two part time jobs. I'll just enter it into the system. Don't worry you'll still get paid for your work this week."

Thank you.

"It's no problem."

Today the fiction cart was already finished so I grabbed the comic book cart and went to the other side of the library.

Busy at work, I hadn't realized that someone was next to me.

"Scar? What are you doing here?" Tristan said.

I work here. I smiled.

"I didn't know that." He mused.

What are you doing here, Tristan.

He smiled. "Grading some papers. Eli and some of his football buddies are at the house playing xbox and they were being pretty loud so I came over here for some peace and quiet."

I nodded. Was that last weeks test you were grading?

He groaned. "The grades are terrible. I definitely see improvement but the class average isn't exactly what I would like it to be. But your test grade was a 96. Only A in the class."

What can I say? I'm a good student.

"I'll say. If only the rest of the class could be like you. Anyway, good talking to you Scarlette." He smiled walked away.

It annoyed me that I wasn't upset that he called me Scarlette. I actually liked it when he called my by my actual name. I never like it when anyone calls me by my name, including Eli. Why is it so special when Tristan does it?


Thursday is a good day.

Today passed by easily. I got most of my test grades back. I passed of course. Eli and I hug out during lunch and study hall. The rest of the day was good until last period.

Kevin sat beside me. The bell hadn't even rung yet. And I sat quietly and patiently waiting for Tristan to enter the room.

The bell rung and in stormed Tristan. And boy did he look pissed.

He slammed a stack of papers, the tests I'm guessing, on a students desk in the front row. Everyone jumped in their seats.

"Unbelievable." He shook his head. "We study and study and study. We go over the material. I quiz you guys. I drill the material into your heads like screwdrivers. You guys nod and pretend like you know what it is that I'm talking about but you obviously don't! I do my job. I teach you. Now you guys have to do your job and learn. I can't save you from yourself. So if you guys aren't willing to learn then why should I be willing to teach? I put everything I've got into making sure you guys understand the material. But since you guys aren't willing to work and fail, then if I stop teaching it wont make a difference right? Right."

Even though I know his speech wasn't addressed to me it made me feel like I could do better. It made me want to do better.

"Take out your spirals and your study guide from this test and write down all this material. And when you finish write it down again, and keep writing until the bell rings. That paper will be your ticket out of my classroom today. I want everyone doing this except Scarlette. She is the only one who passed this test with an A+. No partners and no talking. Kevin come see me at my desk."

After school ended and I finished work I was beat. I went home, showered, and texted Eli telling him good night.

Tomorrow is Friday and then the next day will be Eli and I's first official date. I see a real change in Eli since our talk. We hang out more. He hardly makes up excuses now. But it's only been a few days. We'll see how long it lasts.

(Guys I swear to fucking god Darren Criss will be the death of me. I'm fangirling so hard right now. Sorry this chapter is kind of boring I'm trying to hook you guys in every chapter but its gets difficult sometimes *sigh* anyway, happy Thursday and enjoy the chapter!)

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