Chapter 6

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I had no idea where I was. I was in a bed, but it wasn't mine, that's for sure. Where was I? I remember getting beat on a sidewalk and Eli... Eli! I flew out of bed only to fall to the floor. I lifted up my shirt and found a gauze wrapped around my waist and there was blood on it. I lifted myself off the floor slowly and ignoring the pain in my stomach.

I grabbed my phone from off the nightstand and walked out the room. I walked down the familiar hallway. I was at Eli's home. I carefully walked down the stairs. I'm not sure what I'm looking for or who I'm looking for. I slowly crept into the kitchen and saw Mr. Smith making some sandwiches. I felt my stomach growl, loudly I might say. Mr. Smith turned around and saw me standing in the doorway.

"Hey I didn't see you there. I was going to bring you up a sandwich but your're already here." He said.

I walked over to him so I can ask him a question. Where is Eli?

"He's at a party with his friends."

He brought me here didn't he?

"Yeah he brought you here. I cleaned you up and tended to your wounds." He grabbed the plates and motioned for me to follow him. "Of course I was freaking out cause you had passed out by that time. He told me that you didn't want your mom to see you so I thought it wouldn't be the best idea to take you to a hospital where they would have to call her."

So you...fixed me?

"I guess you could say that."

So you're a doctor now too?

"Well not entirely. Throughout middle school and high school I studied medicine on my own, but when the time came for me to actually go to medical school my family didn't have the money so I settled for becoming a teacher. Being a in depth life science teacher seems reasonable." He smiled.

I wanted to ask him how he could afford this huge house on a teachers salary but figured it was none of my business.

So Eli ditched me for a party?

"Well I wouldn't put it that way. He already made the plans and after bringing you here he was really worried and wanted to make sure you were okay."

I nodded and continued to eat my sandwich.

"Why didn't you want to go home to your mom?" He asked.

My mom has enough to worry about. I don't want to stress her out with me getting picked on.

"But you're not getting picked on. you're getting beat up."

I know that, but please don't tell my mom. She worries about me enough.

He nodded in understatement. "Well I called her while you were knocked out and asked her if it was alright if you stayed the night, of course she said no." I laughed. Typical mom. "So now you're suppose to be studying with Eli, but I have to bring you home before eleven."

So we should get going now then. I pointed out.

"Yeah, just as soon as you're done."

I finished my sandwich quickly wanting to get back in bed and forget this day ever happened.


"Back so soon?" My mom was waiting for me when I opened the door with a deep scowl on her face.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It was kind of last minute.

"You're damn right it was last minute. I was worried sick! But then your teacher called and said you were studying with Eli and said that you wanted him to talk to me so he could explain the situation. Then he asked if you could spend the night. I'm worried sick about you and he wants to know if you can spend the night? For the love of god! Who does that? 'Hey I know you've been worried sick about your daughter but I have her here at my house. Can she spend the night?' Hell no. I barely even know the people."

She stopped her rant short when she noticed my uncomfortable stance.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?"

No I'm just tired from studying and all.

"Then go to bed you have school in the morning."

She wasn't really mad at me. I don't think she knows how to be mad at me I've never really gotten into trouble. Unless you count reading past curfew trouble. I went to the bathroom and grabbed some tylenol for my stomach then changed into my pyjamas and went to bed.


"Hey Scar!" Eli called my name out over the crowd of students in the hallway.

When he reached me at my locker he had a huge smile on his face. "Good morning." He said.

Not really. I thought. My stomach was killing me and I was exhausted.

But I nodded my head anyway and gave him a smile.

Thank you for yesterday. I typed to him.

"It was no problem. I'm gonna drive you to and from school from now on."

I stared at him wide eyed. You don't have to do that.

He shrugged. "What are friends for? Plus I got my car back and it's the least I could do since you're helping me study and stuff."

So we're friends?

"I believe we've been friends since we met."

I guess my mom won't have a problem with that.

"Great so Maybe we can catch a movie tonight."

I said it would be okay if you take me to and from school not going out.

"As friends of course. There's a new Step Up movie that I've been dying to see since last month."

Step Up? What's that?

"You've never heard of Step Up? It's a dance movie it's really cool."

I'm more into classical movies.

"You mean the old timey shit? It looks weird and it's so old."

I love them.

"Do you wanna go or not? cause we can go to my place instead and watch a movie that's fine."

I know I might be stupid if I say yes, but I'm desperate. I've never had a boyfriend or had a guy look twice in my direction. Do I want to go? No. It's just one night that would be wasted watching a movie that I don't want to watch instead of reading.


"Great! Now we're getting somewhere. Meet me in Tristan's room after school and we can leave from there."

I nodded my head. After he left I set a quick text to my mom telling her my plans for the night. Of course she didn't mind as long as I was back at a decent hour.


I managed to survived the awkward tension in Mr. Smiths room after school waiting for Eli.

"He should be here any minute." He reassured me. I nodded.

After a few minutes Eli came running into the room panting. You couldn't miss the look of confusion on my face.

"Sorry i'm late I got caught up. Are you ready?" He asked.

I nodded my head and grabbed my bag. He lead me out to his car. Naturally I couldn't tell you what kind but Eli smiled just at it's presence.

"Isn't sweet? Top of the line." He boast.

I just shrugged. It wasn't as awesome as Mr. Smith's Cadillac, but is was a nice car it definitely fit Eli's personality.

"It won't bite, I promise." He said once he noticed that I wasn't in the car.

I hopped in the car and he sped of to see a movie that I know i'm not going to like.

 (I know I normally post on Thursday but today is my birthday and I just really wanted to post today, but don't worry I'll post on Thursday too. I turn 15 today, I'm moving up in the world! lol. So anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter. And if you guys get annoyed with the pics and gifs on the side just let me know. I just now found out how to put them up so I'm a little excited. Happy Birthday to Percy Jackson who is probably the best demigod in the world I'm absolutely honored to share the same birthdate as you.)

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